Media responde

Media responde

To what extent do you agree with the claim that “you can’t have a free press withou~ the pr~ss being .. free” or with the claim that “decency should trump news gathering that has nothing to do with servmg a public good.” Provide reasons and evidence to support your point of view.

No more than 20% should match something already in the Turnitin database. If the report for the assignment indicates a higher percentage, students may revise and resubmit the assignment until the deadline. No resubmissions may be made after the due date and time of the assignment.

The assignment is expected to be typed in English, in a 12-point font, double-spaced, at least 300 words long, and free of errors in spelling, punctuation, or grammar. Students are expected to present a clear thesis and to construct valid, logical arguments with supporting evidence in responding to the question. Most of the assignment should be written by the student, not just quoting sources. Every written assignment is expected to be original work that the student personally researched and wrote for this course.

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