
Proofreading has been regarded to be a significant parameter in every piece of content writing. Writing is basically considered to be a tasking exercise. So an individual may often feel that the finished work achieves all the requirements and standards. However, in several cases it has been observed that the person requires going through the work for making sure whether all the points have been met as per the necessity. If content comprises of grammatical errors, punctuation errors, spelling errors then that content will not be considered to be appropriate for submission. This is why at, we provide proofreading services to our customers so as to ensure the contents get submitted in the best manner.

Our proof reading services outshine those of our competitors since it is done by professional native English speakers in conjunction with best proof reading softwares. Until and unless proper proofreading gets done, a person who puts a lot of effort in completion of the writing may not achieve the desired score due to the silly mistakes and writing errors. Our experts in our freelance proofreading service team are always ready to provide you the best service on a 24/7 basis.

With our award-winning Proofreading & Editing service, you can hand in your paper with confidence. The entire review process is confidential and hassle-free.

Using the proof reading service, our academic editors will correct your language errors and ensure your paper is consistent and academic in style.

Our professional academic editors comprise of;

  • Native speakers
  • University graduates
  • Academic writing experts
  • Knowledgeable in various fields of study

All our editors complete a very rigorous and comprehensive training program on academic writing, formatting and presentation.

What will your editor do?

When you select our Proofreading & Editing service, your editor will correct mistakes and provide in-text feedback using Word’s track changes and comments. Your editor will also provide advice to help you become a better academic writer.

LanguageAcademic styleFeedback
Spelling Typos, spelling mistakes, hyphenation errors and other simple mistakes.Style and tone Taboo words, subjective language, inflated and redundant phrases, and overuse of the passive voice.Queries Editors leave queries when the meaning is unclear and when you have to make a style- or content-related choice.
Grammar and syntax Word order, sentence structure, verb tenses, agreement, prepositions, articles and more.Academic writing conventions Acronyms, abbreviations, numbers, equations and Latin abbreviations.In-text tips and suggestions Editors use comments to explain nuanced grammatical rules, suggest improvements and offer general advice.
Punctuation Periods, commas, colons, semicolons, dashes, quotation marks, etc.Consistency Consistency in English dialect and in style choices.Improvement letter You receive a personalized improvement letter designed to help you recognize and correct your most common mistakes.

Every Brainyhomeworks order includes both proofreading and editing. If you’d like a more comprehensive edit, you can also select additional services for your order.

Structure Check

In addition to our standard Proofreading & Editing service, at, we can help improve the structure of your paper. The editor checks your paper to make sure that it is well-organized and contains all the important elements. The feedback is provided in the form of in-text comments and a personalized Structure Check Report.

In-text feedback

The editor will make direct changes if the edit doesn’t change the meaning of the text, such as inserting and merging paragraphs and deleting accidental repetition. In addition, the editor will provide in-text feedback about:

  • Whether or not each individual chapter supports your document’s main goal
  • The organization and focus of individual chapters and sections
  • Repetitive and redundant information
  • The content and weight of titles and headings
  • The numeration of figures and tables
  • Paragraph structure

Structure Check Report

The Structure Check Report is meant to help you easily identify missing elements in each chapter or section and prioritize improvements. After reviewing this report, you should have a clear idea of where your efforts will have the biggest impact.

Clarity Check

When you select the Clarity Check, your editor will help you tell a clear and logical story. This feedback will focus on the presentation of concepts and the logic behind your argumentation.

What will your editor do?

  • Make sure your text tells a clear and logical story
  • Check that you’ve clearly presented concepts and ideas
  • Comment on the logic behind your argumentation
  • Highlight contradictions within the text

Your editor will provide this feedback using in-text comments and the Clarity Check checklists.

Reference Check

Our reference specialists can improve your reference page and in-text citations. We are experts when it comes to APA Style and numerous other reference styles such as MLA format and Chicago citation style.

What will your reference specialist do?

  • Improve your reference list’s overall layout
  • Ensure that your references meet your style guide requirements
  • Provide feedback on incomplete reference list entries
  • Add missing details to in-text citations (based on the reference list)
  • Crosscheck your in-text citations against your reference list to highlight any missing sources

How does it work?

When you upload your document, you can indicate the number of sources in your reference list and tell us your reference style. We’ll take care of the rest.