Internship SMART Goals Report

Internship SMART Goals Report

Internship SMART Goals Report

Part I: Internship Description

I work as an intern in Mass Co Worldwide Travel, a business that operates in the tourism industry. The firm’s vision is “to establish our company as a premier purveyor of the best hospitality services in the globe while observing our core principles as we take our business to the next levels.” To achieve its vision, Mass Co has the mission of inspiring and nurturing the experience of its visitors by bringing their homes closer to its stores. The vision and mission statements of Mass Co highlight the commitment of the entity to offer high-quality hospitality services while maintaining its principles and continuously inspiring its customers. The travel company has operated for a significant period of time, which equips it with much-needed experience, enabling it to thrive in a sector characterized by a competitive landscape.

I will work in the Human Resource Management (HRM) department during my internship, which starts on 1 January 2019 and ends 31 May 2019. Mass Co’s HRM section has the responsibility of hiring new employees and retrenching others. Additionally, the unit organizes training and development activities for new staff members or old ones when necessary. It also handles aspects like compensation, worker benefits, and employee relations. It ensures that the conduct and behavior of personnel conform to Mass Co’s vision of becoming a premier global hospitality company. Research shows that the HRM of any company plays the role of inspiring its workforce through suitable remuneration, benefits, and relationship management (Carraher 25). Thus, Mass Co has implemented advanced HRM practices to ensure that its staff remains motivated.

I work as an unpaid Human Resources Assistance at Mass Co Worldwide Travel. My job is to help the HR manager meet company goals as they pertain to staff management. My responsibilities include creating daily work plans for company personnel that must be accomplished within set deadlines. I ensure smooth flow of information within the departments to enhance output at the end of the day. I also analyze the current state of human resources in the firm with respect to its development strategy to establish whether the entity shows progress in achieving its key goals and objectives or not. Additionally, I help the HR manager summarize employee reports regularly.

Organizational variables such as compensation and benefits policies, career development and promotion, work and environmental conditions, and relationships with supervisors directly affect employee satisfaction. Therefore, an entity’s top management should implement appropriate HRM approaches and augment the above-mentioned aspects to ensure that staff motivation remains high (Sageer, Rafat, and Agarwal 34-35). HRM practices contribute significantly to organizational factors that influence job satisfaction. Thus, I believe that my internship will provide me with an opportunity to explore various HRM activities and analyze their impact on worker satisfaction and performance.

Part II: SMART Goals and Their Stepwise Implementation

The internship program is a prime opportunity for me to learn, interpret, and implement various HRM practices using Mass Co as a case study. I have identified three SMART goals and drawn up schedules to guide their execution during my internship. The goals and their realization processes are explained below:

SMART Goal 1. I will explore the history of Mass Co’s HRM practices, changes in strategy over time, and impact of such innovations on employee satisfaction by 5 May 2019. I will be responsible for the following activities, which will be conducted under the authority of the HR manager.

a) I will evaluate current HRM practices and changes, if any, that the department has implemented. Next, I will connect these practices and changes, where applicable, with employee satisfaction levels.

b) The activities I will pursue to achieve my goal include assessing the annual reports of the company, its human resources policies, and changes made over time.

c) I will collect information regarding the compensation and benefits of employees of different cadres using 2000 as the base year.

d) Additionally, I will gather data about the company’s revenue in the corresponding years and record them in an Excel Spreadsheet.

e) The task should be accomplished by 5 May 2019.

SMART Goal 2. I will assess the current rate of employee turnover and determine the contribution of HRM practices to the status quo by 15 May 2019. These activities will be completed at the office of the HR manager with the authorization of the department.

a) I intend to assess the current rate of employee turnover and determine the influence of HRM practices over the process.

b) Specific activities will include collecting data about the history of workers at Mass Co using 2000 as the base year.

c) I will evaluate the records of former personnel to identify possible factors that may have led them to leave the company. I will collect data about areas of dissatisfaction and their impact on staff turnover.

d) I will also gather information from current workers to examine their intentions and potential reasons for discontent.

e) I will be committed to completing these tasks by 15 May 2019.

SMART Goal 3. I will determine the readiness of Mass Co to implement changes resulting from the exploration of its HRM practices and turnover rates by 25 May 2019. I will accomplish these activities at the office of the HR department.

a) I intend to determine the readiness of Mass Co to implement the proposals I might make regarding a change in HR strategy.

b) I will conduct interviews with key leaders in the department.

c) I will also assess past strategies to predict the receptivity of the management to the current proposal.

d) I will analyze data collected through interviews and records of previous changes to make informed interpretations of the company’s ability to implement changes.

e) I will accomplish this goal by 25 May 2019.

The three SMART goals will help Mass Co to gain a clear picture of employee satisfaction levels, and hence, reduce the turnover rate. Identifying the indicators of the turnover rate will help the HR department reevaluate its policies through the correlation of the history of HRM practices, worker turnover rate, and company revenue. The internship will offer me an excellent opportunity to understand various HRM practices and their impact on employee satisfaction. Consequently, information about the firm’s receptivity to change will determine its ability to consider the proposals I will make at the end of my study. Its acceptance of novel tactics will be instrumental in discerning untapped opportunities, which can contribute to the establishment’s success. Moreover, the entity’s willingness to implement new HRM approaches will become its competitive advantage by considering innovative strategies when current methods may fail to produce expected outcomes.

Works Cited

Carraher, Shawn M. “Turnover Prediction Using Attitudes Towards Benefits, Pay, And Pay Satisfaction Among Employees and Entrepreneurs in Estonia, Latvia, And Lithuania.” Baltic Journal of Management, vol. 6, no. 1, 2011, pp. 25-52. doi:10.1108/17465261111100905.

Sageer, Alam, Sameena Rafat, and Puja Agarwal. “Identification of Variables Affecting Employee Satisfaction and Their Impact on the Organization.” IOSR Journal of Business and Management, vol. 5, no. 1, 2012, pp. 32-39. doi:10.9790/487x-0513239.

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