criminal justice 3-15-17

criminal justice 3-15-17

1. Based on the demographics and characteristics of military veteran prisoners presented, develop a list of guidelines regarding negotiating with veteran hostage takers versus non-veteran hostage takers.

2. You are the negotiator team commander and your team is called to the next county to negotiate an incident at a county jail. When you arrive, you are told that a deputy arrested the hostage taker several hours ago for robbery and failure to identify (the deputy, in fact, has not even finished completing the paperwork). All you know about the subject is that he is about 35 years old, Hispanic, apparently has no family in the area, a tattoo on his forearm that says “Death From Above,” and is from out-of-state. What could you do to gather intelligence on this person?

Note: Each Forum Question response should be a “minimum” of 500 words of content (does not count references and or restating a question) and include “at least” two properly referenced sources, in accordance with APA 6th edition, for full credit

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