Assignment 5
1. Loggerheads, like the ridley turtles, are diurnal nesters:
B. False
2. Loggerheads nest over the greatest geographic range of any sea turtle.
A. True
B. False
3. The scientific name for the Kemp’s ridley turtle is: ____________________________
4. Andres Herrera’s contribution to sea turtle knowledge and conservation was:
A. The protection of arribada sites in Costa Rica
B. The determination of the genetic origin of loggerhead populations
C. N one of the answers is correct.
D. The discovery of the “lost years” of the Kemp’s ridley
E. The discovery and recording of a Kemp’s ridley arribada.
5. In 1947, 40,000 Kemp’s ridley females were photographed on a nesting beach in Costa Rica. Sadly, by 1980, fewer than 300 females came ashore to nest
A. True
B. False
6. Japan is too far north (too cold) to permit loggerheads to nest on Japanese beaches
A. True
B. False
7. By 1990, biologists estimated that the number of female Kemp’s ridleys in the entire Gulf of Mexico numbered _________________, making it one of the most endangered species in the world.
A. Less than 100
B. There are no estimates of Kemp’s ridley numbers from this time period.
C. About2000
D. About500
8. During their “lost years”, loggerheads are at sea in ocean currents for 2-5 years.
A. True
B. False
9. Headstarting” turtles is controversial because of the ethical considerations regarding the skin grafts used for marking these young turtles
A. True
B. False
10. It takes about 25-35 years for a loggerhead to become a reproducing adult.
A. True
B. False
11. Unlike most other sea turtles, adult male Kemp’s ridleys do not migrate, and adult females rarely leave the vicinity of the Gulf of Mexico.
A. True
B. False
12. The scientific name for the loggerhead turtle is: __________________________
13. One of the reasons that Kemp’s ridleys are vulnerable to overexploitation is that the bulk of nesting occurs along 29 miles of beach in Florida.
A. True
B. False
14. Mitochondrial DNA testing has provided a window into the lineage of the various populations of loggerheads around the world
A. True
B. False
15. Research indicates that one effect of shade from tall buildings in Florida on nesting beaches is cooler beaches, resulting in a higher proportion of ______________ nestlings compared to beaches without tall buildings
16. Since TEDs are now being used in many places throughout the world, fishing practices are no longer a significant mortality source for loggerhead adults.
A. True
B. False
17. The primary purpose of the “ridley dance” is:
A. to scare away predators |
B. to signal that this territory is taken |
C. All of these answers are correct. |
D. to compact the sand over the eggs |
E. to display availability to male ridleys |
18. Loggerheads are referred to as “keystone species” because they:
dig up the bottom in foraging areas and thus alter the composition of the ocean bottom communities | |
A. all of these answers are correct
B. transfer huge loads of ocean nutrients to the land around nesting beaches C. provide habitat for symbionts as “living reefs” D. distribute shells of prey (calcium) throughout their foraging areas
19. Kemp’s ridleys never leave the Gulf of Mexico. A. True B. False 20. The primary predator of loggerhead nests in the U.S. are |
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