Unknown Project (Microbiology)
Unknown Project Results Sheet Unknown #____
Gram Reaction ________________
Acid-fast Reaction ________________
Endospore ________________
Cell morphology ________________
and arrangement
Description of the colony:
Color _________________
Unique Characteristics ___________
Growth Characteristics:
Oxygen requirements? _____________
Biochemical tests: (+ or -)
Catalase _______ Phenylalanine deaminase ________
Oxidase _______ Decarboxylase tests:
Indole _______ Arginine ________
Methyl Red _______ Lysine ________
Voges-Proskauer _______ Ornithine ________
Citrate _______ Casein hydrolysis ________
Motility _______ Starch hydrolysis ________
Hydrogen sulfide _______ Lipid hydrolysis ________
Phenol red sugars: DNase ________
Glucose (gas) _______
Glucose (no gas) _______
Lactose _______
Sucrose _______
Mannitol _______
Gelatin hydrolysis _______
Urea hydrolysis _______
Nitrate reduction _______
The bacterium was identified as ____________________
(Genus and species)
Add description of your unknown here:
Name of test
Purpose/Biochemical Reaction
Name of Medium
Indicator or Reagent
Positive Reaction (visible reaction)
Negative Reaction (visible reaction)
Casein hydrolysis
Catalase test
Citrate test
Blue slant
Green slant
Deaminase test
Decarboxylase test
Gelatin hydrolysis
H2S production
Indole test
Lipid hydrolysis
Methylene blue (indicator)
Methyl red test
Motility (from TTC)
Nitrate reduction
Oxidase test
Phenol red sugar broths (various sugars)
Starch hydrolysis
Urea hydrolysis
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