Unit 5 – Central Dogma Assignment

Assignment for BIO120 Concepts in Biology

Unit 5 Central Dogma

Due: Midnight Sunday of Unit 5

Describe the central dogma of molecular biology; briefly describe the processes of transcription and translation.

The paper should be at least 400- 500 words (~ 1 double-spaced, APA formatted page).

Students: Be sure to read the criteria, by which your paper/project will be evaluated, before you write, and again after you write.

Evaluation Rubric for Unit 5 Central Dogma

  CRITERIA Deficient

(0 Points)


(1 Points)


(2 Points)

Points Possible
1. Defines the central dogma of molecular biology. Does not define the central dogma of molecular biology. Inaccurately defines the central dogma of molecular biology. Accurately defines the central dogma of molecular biology. 2
2. Describes the process of transcription. Does not describe the process of transcription. Incorrectly describes the process of transcription or does not describe it completely. Correctly describes the process of transcription or indicates the molecules involved (i.e. enzyme, substrate, product). 2
3. Describes the process of translation. Does not describe the process of translation. Incorrectly describes the process of translation or does not describe it completely. Correctly describes the process of transcription or indicates the molecules involved (i.e. enzyme, substrate, product). 2
4. Indicates where transcription and translation occur in a cell. Does not indicate where transcription and translation occur in a cell. Incorrectly indicates where transcription and translation occur in a cell. Correctly indicates where transcription and translation occur in a cell. 2
5. Grammar, spelling, and formatting The essay does NOT follow the APA format guidelines or contains more than six grammatical errors or misspellings. The essay follows the APA format guidelines but contains three to six grammatical errors or misspellings. The essay follows the APA format guidelines and contains no more than three grammatical errors or misspellings. 2
6. Clear and professional writing Writing is not well-organized or cannot be easily followed or understood. Uses choppy or rambling sentences. Writing is organized and can be followed, The essay contains effective transitions between sentences Writing is clear, professional, and well-organized. Essay is can be easily followed and uses effective transitions between sentences 2
Total Points: 12
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