A patient arrives at the Emergency Room at Hello-Hospital about every 40 テつア 19 minutes. Each patient will be treated by either Doctor Slipup or Doctor Gutcut. Twenty percent of the patients are classified as NIA (need immediate attention) and the test as CW (can wait). NIA patients are given the highest priority (3), see a doctor as soon as possible for 40 テつア 37 minutes, but then their priority is reduced to 2 and they wait until a doctor is free again, when they receive further treatment for 30 テつア 25 minutes and are then discharged. CW patients initially receive the priority 1 and are treated (when their torn comes) for 15 テつア 14 minutes; their priority is then increased to 2, they wait again until a doctor is free and receive I 0 テつア 8 minutes of final treatment, and are then discharged. Simulate for 20 days of continuous operation, 24 hours per day. Precede this by a 2-day initialization period to load the system with patients. Report conditions at times 0 days, 2 days, and 22 days. Does a 2-day initialization appear long enough to load the system to a level reasonably close to steady-state conditions? (a) Measure the average and maximum queue length of NIA patients from arrival to first seeing a doctor. What percent do not have to wait at all? Also tabulate and plot the distribution of this initial waiting time for NIA patients. What percent wait less than 5 minutes before seeing a doctor? (b) Tabulate and plot the distribution of total time in system for all patients. Estimate the 90% quantile-that is, 90% of the patients spend less than x amount of time in the system. Estimate x. (c) Tabulate and plot the distribution of remaining time in system from after the first treatment to discharge, for all patients. Estimate the 90% quantile. (Note: Most simulation packages provide the facility to automatically tabulate the distribution of any specified variable.)
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