Project Goals: The main goal of this project is to help students to build skills in statistical analysis by applying the descriptive statistics tools to estimate the mean COVID-19 Total Cases per 100,000 people (C19TCP100T) and the mean COVID-19 Proportion of Total Deaths in Total Cases (C19PTDITC) for each of your two selected US selected states, and then use those estimates and the inferential statistics to test the difference in COVID-19 incidences across the two selected states. Attached Files: • ECON 351-555 Fall 2021 – Working File – Chapter 3.xlsx (9.468 KB) Students are expected to write their final research report which must describe the population of interest to the analysis, the data collection procedure, the implementation of the statistical procedure to estimate the population parameters (mean C19TCP100T and the mean C19PTDITC) using the sample data, the interpretation of the results, and the policy recommendations. Problem Statement The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which appeared first in China in late 2019, has spread quickly across the world, causing in its way significant health, economic, demographic, and social disruptions. What was initially seen as a largely China-centric shock has ballooned to full blown global crisis. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. COVID-19 has brought forth new challenges such as social distancing, requirement to wear masks in public place, teleworking, prohibition of large-scale social events, travel restrictions and others. Overcoming those challenges has proved to be the best way to contain the spread of the pandemic and protect lives. In the particular case of the United States, each state has set forth strategies to contain the spread of the disease and to reduce the number of deaths. Project Description You are tasked with determine whether or not there exits difference in COVID-19 incidences across two US states of your choice using COVID-19 data, namely, Total Cases and Total Deaths and US population data by state. To complete your project, you will use secondary; 2020 CDC COVID-19 Cases and Deaths by State over time – 2020 ( ) to estimate the difference in COVID-19 incidences across two states (The Excel file on this dataset is attached). You will also have to test the hypothesis of no difference in COVID-19 incidences across two states. Steps for conducting the statistical analysis are described below. 1. Data collection and visualization – Part 1 (Due Date: 10/01/2021) The dataset on COVID-19 Total Cases and Total Cases by state in 2020 and on the US population by state in 2020 is attached. Select a simple random sample for your selected states which must be the third of the total number of observations. If the third of observations is less than 30, increase the number to 30 by randomly selecting the missing observations. Next, generate the COVID-19 Total Cases per 100,000 people (C19TCP100T) and the COVID-19 Proportion of Total Deaths in Total Cases (C19PTDITC) To generate the C19TCP100T for each state, generate first the population in 100,000 units by dividing the population of state by 100,000. Then, divide Total Cases by the population in 100,000 units to generate the C19TCP100T for each state. To generate C19PTDITC for each state, divide the Total Deaths for the state by the Total Cases for the same state and multiply the results by 100 to express it as a percent. Next, plot the C19TCP100T for the two samples in the same chart (visualization) to detect whether or not there exist differences in Total Cases per 100,000 people. Do the same for the C19PTDITC. The visualizations should be presented using EXCEL.
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