Readthe case entitled, “Should U.S. Imports of Prescription Drugs from Canada Be Widened” at the end of Chapter 7. Then, answer the following questions:
- Should the United States legalize the importation of lower-cost pharmaceuticals? If so, should this apply to individual consumers, pharmacies, or other entities?
- If the United States were to permit the importation of lower-cost pharmaceuticals from abroad, should this importation apply to all foreign countries or a limited number? if a limited number, which should they be and why?
- If the United States were to permit the importation of lower-cost pharmaceuticals from abroad, should this apply to all pharmaceuticals or just to some? If just to some, what criteria should be used?
- If pharmacies were allowed to import less costly drugs from abroad, should regulations be put into effect to pass on some/all cost savings to consumers? If so, what should they be?
Submityour answers in a doc or docx document. Follow full APA compliance guidelines. Use all resources provided this week to support your assignment completion.
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