- What immediate and longer-term issues does Google’s censorship decision create?
- Prior to the launch of, what factors should Google have considered in reaching their decision to comply with Chinese government censorship laws?
- Assess Dr. Schmidt’s statement “We actually did an evil scale and decided that not to serve at all was worse evil.” Was Google being evil?
- Using Thomas Donaldson’s Ethical Algorithm, assess the censorship issue and determine whether Google could be said to have acted ethically based on this model. Is the Ethical Algorithm model adequate when making ethical decisions outside of the company’s home country?
- It has been said that “[in the U.S. Constitution] the First Amendment does not reflect universal values. There is very little to say in favor of a single global standard of speech.” Do you agree/disagree with this statement, and how would you relate it to this case?
- What should Google do?
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