Applicant 5 is a Hispanic woman in her mid-40’s and has been out of work for 2 years. She had previously worked in telephone sales at a call center. During a couple of lulls in the interview, she brings up the issue of her children and how important they are in her life. In connection with that, she mentions that she would like to be home full-time but she needs to work as her husband’s business is struggling. She also has very detailed questions about the company benefits.
Applicant 6 is a white woman, in her mid-30’s, applying for her third job in 5 years. She has just finished graduate school and is newly married. You discover this when she makes a mistake with her last name. She also asks about the possibility of being able to work from home at least part of the time as they are hoping to start a family in the near future.
Who do you pick for your company, why? How can your choice help the company, i.e. be a positive influence on the future of the company and the team? How would your choice represent counterproductive work behavior? In what ways would you be able to manage that?
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