The Business Plan Project
The Business Plan must include the following topics. Various Business Plans organize this information in different orders but this content must be included. Choose an outline, which effectively builds the argument that this project is viable and has an acceptable risk.
History of the Company
- Company Description
- Type of Business and Legal Structure, e.g., Partnership, sole proprietorship
- Vision and Mission statements
- Core Values
- Organizational structure (Departments & Hierarchy)
- Management and Ownership
- Board of directors and Rationale for Members
- Management staff structure
- Key managers
- Types of managers
- Roles of manager
- Types of plans
- Cultural type MBO or Traditional
- Weak or strong culture
- Omnipotent or Symbolic
- Work specialization
- Departmentalization
- Chain of command
- Span of control
- Centralization and decentralization
- Formalization
- What they are doing about Social Responsibility
Strategic Plan
- External Assessment/Environmental Scanning
- Do a PESTEL analysis (Political, Environmental, Social, Technological, Economic, and Legal). How these factors will impact the selected company in an encouraging and discouraging manner?
- Present a SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis.
Human Resources Plan
- A brief organizational chart of the business
- Employee Recruitment and Selection criteria
- Who does what, with a brief job description of each position KSA TDR anyone position.
- Information on your employee training program (If applicable)
- Compensation and benefits
- Performance appraisal.
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