BACKGROUND You have watched videos on workplace conflicts, and discussed active listening techniques. Now you are to work on using additional management skills to mediate and resolve conflicts: setting meetings, eliciting information, facilitating and controlling discussion, and closing discussion with actionable results. BRIEF Write out a very brief workplace conflict situation in your group. Each group will role play their conflict in class, but not all group members need to be given a part. The conflict should be between an employee and another employee, an employee or the organization, or perhaps even an employee and the manager. To simplify, use a hotel as the workplace. Name the characters involved, and background of the conflict, and then write out the conflict like a dialogue transcript or scenario similar to those you have from the workplace video transcripts (Sam&Amy, Rebecca&Matt, etc.). Try to make the conflict something that a manager would need to intervene in. In class, we will discuss and your classmates will role play a manager mediating and resolving the conflict in a meeting setting. You are only to establish the conflict in your scenario – not the mediation. The conflict should be brief and realistic and give rise to conflict resolution: Realistic: an employee is being harassed by an insensitive boss (add dialogue) Realistic: a manager finds out they are paid less than the older but lazy employee who has worked there longer, and starts a big argument in front of customers about it Not helpful: an employee asks to have a meeting with the manager and the manager simply says: “no.” GRADING You will be graded as a group on the realism of the conflict, the complexity of the emotions for those involved, and its effectiveness in providing a rich source of class discussion.
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