- Write an email message delivering good news for a situation that you might encounter in your current work or your future career.
- Write an email message delivering bad news for a situation that you might encounter in your current work or your future career.
For both messages, consider guidelines from the text for strengthening effectiveness and maintaining a positive tone.
Include both messages in one Word document.
Dear associate accountant,
I know that this past tax season we have been busy with a lot of work. I have also noticed how you have picked up the other work of some of your co-workers while they where out sick. While also passing the cpa exam, which is why I wanted to inform you that you will be receiving a promotion to senior accountant and a pay bump in your salary. Speak with HR and payroll on Monday.
Jeb Josephs
Dear Associate Accountant,
I know that you have been trying your best during this past tax season. But talking with your senior manager and hearing about how your communication has been a bit sharp and not responding to messages. Here at our accounting firm we value teamwork and even though you got all of your work finished. We have decided to part ways and not renew your contract. Security will help you gather your things at your work station, good luck with another accounting firm.
Jeb Josephs
improve these or another message
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