Assume you are currently applying for a job in your field (choose a specific company and/or position). Please write a brief letter to your prospective employer introducing yourself and emphasizing, in three clear, distinct, concise, and well-developed paragraphs:
• Your opening (which should include where you heard of the job and some knowledge of the company),
• Your background and skills pertinent to the job (avoid “laundry listsâ€), and
• Your close (think: a move to action).
Use the Cover Letter Checklist on BeachBoard to help you. Remember to provide specific examples of your skills and organize your writing into three paragraphs.
Please study the Sample Cover Letter on BeachBoard for cover letter format. For the salutation, find the employer’s name, title, and address. In other words, make it look like a real cover letter and not a class assignment.
Length: The letter should be single-spaced and effectively formatted with DOUBLE SPACES between paragraphs. Use serif 12 pt font for your letter. Do not use headings or bullets. The length for the final letter should be one page. Do not exceed one page.
Note: Do not copy any sentence from Figures 14.1 or14.2 or Table 14.1 or any examples on
pp. 368-372. You will receive a zero on this assignment if you do. Be sure to write in your own words.
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