United Broke Artists (UBA) is a broker for not-so-famous painters. UBA maintains a small database to track painters, paintings, and galleries. A painting is painted by only one artist, and that painting is exhibited in only one gallery. A gallery can exhibit many paintings, but each painting can be exhibited in only one gallery. Similarly, a painting is painted by a single painter, but each painter can paint many paintings.
UBA wants to keep track of each painter’s name, first and last as well as a phone number. Each gallery has a theme as well as a web site for potential buyers to view the paintings it contains. Keeping track of each painting that has a title, created by the painter, requires knowing which gallery it is displayed in and which painter painted the painting. Each table needs a unique identifying attribute.
An ERD for this problem is below:
Using PAINTER, PAINTING, and GALLERY, as table names, what attributes and keys are needed to create these tables for a relational database?
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