CMNS 1290 – Introduction to Professional Writing
Assignment Descriptions
Fall 2021 – Sections 04 and 19
Business Letter Package Assignment
Value: 25%
Due: on Moodle, Thursday, Oct. 21, 2021 by midnight
In this assignment, you will write two business documents. The scenarios and expected
format for each one are noted below. The marking schedule for the letters is also included.
Put the letters into 1 document. Once you have finished your assignment, save it with a
title that includes your family name like this: Family name_letter assignment.docx and
submit it to Moodle.
A: Bad News Letter: Problem with service
You must invent a company and deliver bad news to a client or customer about the service
you provide. Here are the details:
You own a landscaping company and have been doing the landscaping for a large
commercial building owned by a local developer. You hope that if this contract goes
well, you will be able to get additional work from this developer.
Unfortunately, the project has run into problems. The project is running late due to
weather and delays in receiving materials. You are also having issues with your crew.
One person has quit unexpectedly and another broke her arm while biking. In addition,
costs are going up for two reasons. One, the client keeps wanting to make changes to the
design, which adds a lot of extra work. As well, the costs of plants and shrubs has
increased due to the exchange value of the dollar.
To complete the project, you have to either increase the overall price for the client or
make compromises in the overall design. Your goal is to retain the client and keep a good
working relationship with them, despite the bad news.
1. Identify your goals and potential barriers to communication in this scenario.
2. Write and include a brief outline of the letter you need to write
3. Write this as a formal letter. You should include letterhead and other features to make
the letter as professional and ‘real’ as possible.
4. Write the letter and save it to Moodle as indicated above.
B. Informational Email: Team Trip
Use the same invented landscaping comping as for Part A. As the owner of this company,
you must write an internal information email to all staff regarding an end-of-season staff
thank you trip. Here are the details:
As owner of the landscaping company, you nearing the end of a challenging summer
season. Several projects ran into problems and cost overages, and wildfires in the area
caused health and safety concerns for your staff over the summer. Over the last few years
your company has seen high turnover of labour staff and you are concerned the stressful
summer will continue to impact your ability to retain staff. To help thank the team for
their hard work, you’ve decided to take the labourers and some of the store staff on season
end hiking and camping trip. Some select company personnel must stay behind to man the
shop during the weekend. You want people to have a good time and form strong
relationships, but you’re worried some of the staff are partiers and might take things too
far if liquor is permitted on the trip.
The trip will be held on the weekend of Sept. 18th and will be a hiking and camping trip.
Employees are to meet at the office on Friday, Sept. 17th, at 6 p.m. with all their gear. All
expenses will be paid by the company and employees will be paid for the weekend. Each
of the eight employee has been asked to prepare a meal for the group, but need to be
reminded that there are strict gluten allergies among the group. Employees who have been
with the company for two season have been asked to prepare a short talk on why they like
working for your company and plan to return next year.
The employees have been given funds to purchase all the food they need for this trip and
they were given a gear checklist. Those who have first aid training need to email you back
so you have a list before you head out. Write an email to these employees that provides
them the information they need to ensure the weekend will be a success for them and
achieves all of your goals.
1. Identify your goals and potential barriers to communication in this scenario.
2. Write and include a brief outline of the email you need to write
3. Write an email to these employees that provides them the information they need to
ensure the weekend will be a success for them and achieves all of your goals.
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