Many people leave college with substantial debt and we want your opinion on this issue. Should government address the problem? Why or why not? What specific policy (can mention only one or two) if any would you most favor and specifically why so? The articles and video below discuss the problem of student debt and some of the proposed solutions.
Before responding to this question, read the essays and watch the video posted below. Your post should demonstrate a good understanding of the topic. Be sure to use good English grammar and composition skills. Please remember that posts must contain at least 300 words and be divided into at least two or more paragraphs. Two sources must be specifically referred to within the actual post itself (not just listed an the end).
Jay Urwitz and Neal Urwitz, “The Candidates are Wrong. It’s a Mistake to Pay Off College Graduates’ Debts,† (Links to an external site.)
Pew Research, “5 Facts about Student Loans,†
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