You have been recently been promoted to assistant branch manager at City Bank. Your responsibility includes the following, promoting the team concept among all customer service representatives in your branch, and serving as a team leader on special projects that involve your staff. ? Your district manager has asked you and 3 other employees at your branch to find a solution to the lack of sufficient office space for the growing number of workers at your location. As leader, you have scheduled a team meeting on Thursday afternoons for four weeks to address the problem. ? After 2 meetings with your co-workers, you notice that everyone is making a vital contribution to the group’s effort except Carol. During the meetings, she displays poor listening skills. She often jumps ahead of the topic or interrupts the speaker’s train of thought. At other times she doodles on her note pad instead of taking constructive notes. ? She remains silent after team members deliver lengthy reports about possible solutions to the office space solution.
What can you do as team leader to improve the following concerns you have noticed with Carol?
? How will you be able to get her to be more focused on your agenda during meetings?
? Do you feel by asking Carol to take notes (minutes of the meetings) would be helpful?
? Schedule future meetings on Thursday mornings instead of Thursday afternoon?
? As the team leader did you deliver an agenda prior to the meeting?
? Did you ask for ideas and suggestions during the meetings?
? Did you provide dates and deadline around ideas?
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