(a) Define the demographic transition’. Describe how birth rates, death rates and population growth rates typically differ between the stages of the ‘demographic transition’.
(b) Write down the formula for the Net Reproduction Rate, delining carefully all the symbols you use. State how, under specified conditions, the value of the Net Reproduction Rate is related to population growth. Explain why for many of the countries in which the value of the net reproduction rate for 2015-20 was below 1 (daughter per woman the population growth rate for 2015-20 was positive.
(d) Describe how the population growth rates for Victoria and the Northern Territory and the components of these population growth rates changed between 2019 and 2020
Describe how the numbers of representatives of Australia’s states in the Federal House of Representatives and the numbers of representatives of Australia’s states in the Federal Senate are related to the spatial distribution of population. How does the ratio of state’s total population to state’s number of representatives in the Federal Senate vary between Australia’s states?
Define the term ‘excess deaths in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. Give three examples of how the COVID-19 pandemic could affect the numbers of deaths from causes of death other than COVID-19.
(e) S 5 Write down the formulae for the Crude Death Rate and the Directly Standardised Death Rate, clearly specifying all the symbols you use. Explain why for 2018 the Crude Death Rate of the Indigenous population of New South Wales was lower than the Crude Death Rate of the Non-Indigenous population of New South Wales, whilst the Directly Standardised Death Rate of the Indigenous population of New South Wales was higher than the Directly Standardised Death Rate of the Non-Indigenous population of New South Wales. please turn over for more questions)
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