The first unit of Wecare Co started in Coleswood, with the aim of bringing vegan, cruelty free shampoos to the market. Razia Wahab started the company because she wanted to provide affordable cruelty free products that were effective. She used a small inheritance and started the production in her garage in Lalaland, a relatively stable economy with good demand for cruelty free products. In the 3 years since its inception, Wecare has grown to become production intensive and expanded into more than 50 locations, some of which have a dynamic environment. The branch in Lalaland acts as the head office. In the recent times there are new players entering the market, offering cruelty free products at competitive rates.
Razia has always been a value driven person. She believes in team work is the major reason for the company’s success. Putting aside differences and working toward a common goal gives the company purpose to keep growing. She also strongly roots for growth and innovation. She pushes for innovation in her products as well as in her employees learning new skills. She encourages her employees to learn managerial skills and progress within the organization. Razia also stresses on good organizational culture within the company. She stresses that the culture helps a company thrive.
At the locations, the employee numbers are comparatively low. Hence, they are flexible in certain matters, such as not having formal meetings or having a business-casual dress code. There are no name plates or titles listed outside the offices, and this encourages a culture of equality regardless of their designation. The overall culture within the organization is based on trust with the employees forming close personal relationships with their colleagues. They are striking a balance between being a “small” company and implementing “large” company protocols, thereby being a medium company in the growth stage.
Razia has always found the notion of one product fits all impractical in beauty care products. She believes in highly customized products that give very specific results. Razia also strives to have products that incorporate the culture of the area that they are sold in. She has introduced Rice water shampoo in China and Soap nut shampoos in India and plans to add more such products. She plans to diversify into highly specialized body care products.
All major strategic decisions in Wecare were taken at the head office. The management would convene a meeting where the proposal is put up to vote. If it involved a particular branch then the respective head would also be invited via video conferencing. Razia wants the individual branches to have their own freedom in operational matters. She wants them to have the freedom to react quickly to the local conditions and demands, all while being liable to take ownership for their decisions. She aims to gradually provide them the authority to introduce some products without head office interference.
Recently, Razia feels that there is need to streamline the structure of the organization. With Razia’s plans to diversify and expand the business geographically, the management has suggested to bring in a Chief Operation Officer, who can interact with the branch heads and manage the operations of the company. They have short listed 3 candidates for Razia’s review. One Mr. Khan stands out with his impeccable record of making decisions in the company’s interests, in a dynamic, time pressured situation. He is aggressive in his pursuit of goals and is comfortable taking the pressure upon himself. He strongly believes in a rigid approach to written rules.
Identify which type organizational structure is currently implemented in the given case study? Support your answer with evidence , Recommend an organizational structure type to be implemented in the case study. Support your answer with reasons,Evaluate the variables affecting effective leadership at work
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