
  1. Read the case carefully and complete the proposal by filling in the correct sentence NUMBERS. (Some parts of the proposal will have more than one sentence)

TGI Fridays Co.:

1.In 1965, TGI Fridays opened its first location in New York City offering high-quality, authentic American food and drinks backed by genuine service. 2.Bringing people together to socialize and celebrate the spirit of “Friday” is core to their promise that ‘In Here, It’s Always Friday’.

3.The company then created an expansion strategy to meet the increasing demand. 4. Fridays restaurants currently comprises 889 restaurants in 60 countries. 5. But with expansion the organizational environment is becoming more and more complex. 6. In a vastly competitive environment, where Friday’s restaurants are always experiencing a change, it becomes more and more difficult to keep strict control. 7. In the presence of a large workforce, the need for control becomes increasingly crucial.

8. However, Fridays Co. reported 35% drop in earnings for the second quarter of 2017.

9. In an attempt to understand the causes of such drop, Fridays Company has discovered that customer satisfaction massively dropped.10 while gathering information related to the reasons behind the major drop in customer satisfaction, the following comments were given from the customers. 11. Many complaints about inappropriate staff behavior. 12. Many complaints about food quality. 13. Long waiting time. 14. Employees are not taking care of hygiene and cleanliness. 15. In general, they con?rm that the food and service quality are below the standards set by the company. 16.The following comments were given by the restaurant staff: Salary is different for the same levels in different restaurants. 17. Nobody cares about how we feel. 18. High staff turnover pressure on existing serving staff and managers. 19. Fridays needs for transformation to re-gain customer trust. 20.Fridays Co. should adapt its customer research model in response to demand, with ’pace of experience’ which become the lead measure. 21.The working hours and pay scale of the staff must undergo revision. 22.The restaurant also should start training ensuring all staff reach a minimum standard. 23.Menu should be refreshed, and healthy options should be considered.

24. Fridays Co. is now under a real threat of going out of business.25. It may be labelled as junk food suppliers and poor service provider if changes are not made.


Sentence Number

Analysis of the problem:

The Reasons:

Proposed Solutions:

Risk to the organisation if the proposed changes are not made:

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