
Classmates 1

Prisons are bound to be at risk for violence no matter what because, of the types of people they house. However, if I had the power, I would start safety with the way the jails are built, the technology that is used and the quality of correction staff that is employed. Most officers are good but have no training. When they do not know how to mentally deal with tough prisoners they might recur to violence. So, for this reason ongoing staff training would be a program I would like to develop. Additionally, I would like to use prisoners who have skills (construction, carpentry, music, sports etc) to train other inmates. This would add self-worth to the inmates and a sense of purpose. Additionally, I would like to relieve some of the overcrowding by releasing SOME nonviolent offenders. People in jail for things like “a weed charge” should not be in jail -my opinion-. I would like the young, troubled inmates to finish their GED inside the prison. After that they are mandatory college /trade school would be included in probation terms. Regarding predator officers and inmates who sexually abuse others I would add jail time- The officer would be fired and heavily fined/ prison term.

Classmates 2

One program I would develop to ensure inmate on staff doesn’t occur or is not as life threatening to the staff member, is to ensure all staff are trained in self defense and all staff members should carry pepper spray and are properly trained to use it. If inmates are aware that the staff are not so vulnerable they may think twice about attacking or the staff member will have a chance to protect him or herself.

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