
If Jay has been doing plumbing for many years but has never gotten a plumber’s license from the State of California then:

Jay cannot use the courts to enforce his contracts.

Jay can only use the courts to recover the reasonable value of his plumbing services.

Jay is not prohibited from using the courts to enforce his contracts because plumbing licenses only seek revenue.

None of the above.


If Jim walks by and intentionally drops a dead fish in Jane’s lapand Jane suffers nightmares and extreme embarassment from the incident, Jim has has committed the tort of:






Defamation is an intentional tort against a person’s:

real property

personal property




If Dan locks Ann in her room so that she cannot get out but she is asleep the whole time so that she never knows she was locked in, Dan’s actons can be the basis of an action for the tort of:



False Imprisonment


None of the above


The tort of intentional infliction of emotional distress requires that:

the defendant’s action be intentional

the defendant’s action be outrageous

the defendant’s action causes injuryAll of the above

No answer text provided.

None of the above


Ralph, a van driver for Standard Delivery Company causes a multi-vehicle accident on a city street. Ralph and Standard are liable to:

all those who were injured

only those who were uninsured

only those whose injuries could have been reasonably foreseeable

only those whose vehicles were closest to Ralph’s van.


Sam finds Fran when no one else is around, He untruthfully tells Fran that he saw he personnel file which says Fran is a crook. Sam has committed the tort of:


invasion of privacy

false imprisonment

none of the above.


Which of the following is NOT reuired for a valid offer:




Written proposal and acceptance


The difference between Duress and Undue Influence is:

The remedy

The interference with a party’s ability to resist entering into an agreement

the relationship between the parties at the time they enter the contract

the type of threat used.


Which of the following agreements need to be in writing in order to be enforceable:

An agreement which by its terms cannpt be completed within a year

Any agreement for an interest in real estate

Any contract for the sale of goods in excess of $500

All of the above

None of the above


Mrs. Jones offers a reward for the return of her dog Fifi and puts posters advertising the reward all over her neighborhood. Mr. Brown finds and returns Fifi without seeing any of the posters. If Mr. Brown later sees one of the posters and asks Mrs. Jones for the reward money:

Mrs. Jone will have to pay Mr. Brown the reward money because she made a public offer.

Mrs. Jones will have to pay Mr. Brown the reward money because she left the posters up after Fifi had already been returned.

Mrs. Jones will not have to pay anyting to Mr. Brown because the offer was not communicated to him before he returned Fifi.

Mrs. Jomes will ot need to pay Mr. Brown the reward money because it is a unilateral contract.

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