
Answer the following Needs / Objectives with Benefits and Features Westin Markham is located on Leslie and Hwy 7. Offers modern guest rooms, full amenities with Grass Bistro that offers breakfast, lunch and dinner with a wide selection of organic and healthy option. Parking is $15 per car and internet is $10 per day. Internet is free for SPG Members and it is free to sign up.

Client 1 – I need a hotel that can provide me with healthy options for food, and I don’t want to pay for internet. I am not a SPG Member. (3 MARKS) Benefit and Feature Statement

Client 2 – I really like Westin Markham, and I want to book 30 rooms for 2 nights but the price point of the hotel is a bit higher than what we budgeted. (3 MARKS) Benefit and Feature Statement

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