
  • Complete the following tasks relating to Activity 2.8 on how to use information to support decision making
  • State your conclusions from the analysis
  • Recommend a course of action to improve the sales totals of the poorly performing salesman.
  • Your conclusions and recommendations should be justified.

Complete the following tasks relating to Activity 2.8 on how to use information to support decision...

Activity 2.8

You will notice that two reports have been generated for Daniel and Eric by setting the First Name criteria in cell A2. The Spreadsheet from Learning Activity 2.6 was used to derive Daniel’s report first by clearing all the criteria cells and then by entering the following formula into cell A2 =”=Daniel” Eric’s report was derived in a similar fashion by clearing cell A2 and entering =”=Eric” You are to now adopt the role of a manager within this company. In this role you are responsible for driving sales by effectively managing and developing the sales team. Review and compare Daniel’s figures against Eric’s and consider the questions below.

A. Based on the Total Sales information for Daniel and Eric which salesman is performing well and which is performing poorly?

B. From the Total and Average hours worked information can we determine if the salesman that is performing well is in fact achieving such successful sales totals by simply working longer hours? Does that explain why the sales figures differ so much?

C. From the Total, Average, Minimum and Maximum customers served information can we determine if the salesman that is performing well is in fact achieving such successful sales totals by simply approaching and serving more customers? Is the difference significant enough to explain why the sales figures differ so much? Can we conclude that the poorly performing salesman is simply shirking his duty and not seeking to serve customers?

D. What does the information possibly suggest about the skills of the two salesmen with respect to salesmanship?

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