


Your assignment is to write a persuasive sales letter. A persuasive sales letter is an honest, organized presentation of information written to encourage the reader to respond. Typically, an inductive approach is used to write a persuasive sales letter because the main idea (request for action) is in the last paragraph.In order to effectively persuade your reader, you need to understand the features and benefits of the product, service or idea you are selling and how your product, service or idea is different from your competition. You also need to be aware of the audience and determine the course of action you would like the reader to take: fill out a questionnaire, complete an order form, call for a free trial period, or order a product. Because the request for action is at the end of the letter, you must be sure the letter is engaging and convincing; otherwise your reader will never make it to the end.For this writing assignment, you work as the Marketing Director for Kingston, a company that provides senior citizens with assisted living and rehabilitation services. Kingston offers working families a safe place for their elderly loved ones to live or recuperate from major surgeries or accidents. As the Marketing Director, write a persuasive sales letter that can be sent to families interested in your assisted living campuses located in Ohio. Use the webpage to conduct research about the company. Provide several examples of how individuals could benefit from your services (e.g. rehabilitation, supervision, socialization, nutritious meals), and specific programs offered (e.g. transportation to medical appointments, games and activities, field trips, book clubs). Be sure to also include your contact information. Encourage families to read the brochure you’re enclosing and take a look at your website. The goal of your letter is to get the reader to go online and schedule an appointment to visit the facility.


The writing assignment should contain the four AIDA fundamentals. You can divide each step in a separate paragraph but persuasive messages do not require separate paragraphs for each step. Also, some steps might require more than one paragraph.

?A – Get the reader’s attention

?I – Introduce the product, service or idea and arouse interest.

?D – Create desire by presenting compelling evidence of the product/service benefits.

?A – Encourage action.


Your letter must cover each of the four topics above. In order to grab the reader’s attention, paragraphs in sales letters can be one sentence in length depending on the attention-getting device you use. Also, bulleted lists, bold highlighting, capitalization of key words and underlining of key words can also be effective as long as these techniques are not overused. Wordiness in sales letters are ineffective, therefore; the letter should only be one page in length, word-processed in Times New Roman using 12-Point font. Justify the left margin and use 1” margins all around each page. Do not double-space. Address your letter to: Ms. Donna Mud406 Washington St.Toledo, OH 43604


Writing assignments in BA 2030 are graded based on their effectiveness. An effectively written document meets the following criteria:

?Purpose/Audience – The purpose of the document is clear and the connection to the audience is strong. Language and tone is appropriate and directed to the primary audience as well as any secondary audiences.

?Logic of the Argument – Ideas in the document are fully developed. All relevant facts and information is presented professionally and logically. The document also demonstrates strategic and reflective thinking. Identifies and evaluates ethical issues using persuasive ethical reasoning and a multi-aspect focus likely leading to resolution of the situation.

?Organization – Paragraphs, sentences, and ideas are presented and supported in an organized and logical manner using the correct approach based on the type of message being created (informative/routine, negative news, persuasion, reports, etc.).

?Writing Style – The document demonstrates effective word choice appropriate for the intended audience and the writing style flows well without being choppy or redundant. The message is clear and concise and suitable for a business setting with a clear use of transitions to illustrate key points clearly and coherently.

?Content – The document supports the main idea with key points, relevant facts, and business concepts appropriate for the type of message being created. The document’s message is fully developed and meets the requirements of the assignment.

?Structure and Mechanics – The document is free of errors (spelling, grammar, punctuation) and uses good sentence structure without being repetitive. If appropriate, the document uses correct citations.

?Format – The document follows specific format guidelines for the type of document being created (email, letter, memo, proposal, report, etc.) and is visually appealing or “reader friendly”. Any data/graphics used are appropriately presented and understandable.

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