Answer the following questions by stating if they are TRUE or FALSE. Please answer all of them. Note: only need to say if it is TRUE or FALSE. No explanation is needed.
1. In the pre-internet or traditional media, marketing is the promotion and selling of products and services with campaigns that try to move consumers from their initial interest to buying it.
2. Marketing and advertising have always provided the same function or been considered synonymous even before the internet exploded with social media.
3. With social media, advertising and marketing have shifted from promoting to sharing information about products/services such as shown by Youtility’s promotions.
4. Much like marketing using WOM (Word-Of-Mouth), eWOM (electronic Word-Of-Mouth) is of no value in online influence on communication about products/services but is -often studied anyway better understanding of branding.
5. Vaynerchuk’s Branding Model of Content for Integrated Marketing Plan proposes that PR, advertising, and marketing will never merge into one focus in a branding plan for a product/service posted in social media.
6. Consumer-supported branding of products/services creates advertising/marketing plans that are democratic, crowdsourced, and engaged with long-term relationships
7. Consumer’s reviews of product/services on social media do not influence others about brands, however Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is key to successful branding of them.
8. According to Zalman, social media marketing campaigns must pay attention to the Return on Relationship (ROR) by paying attention to such elements as profiling the ideal customer, creating engaging content, among others.
9. While the older more traditional marketing model is the 4 P’s — Solutions, Access, Value and Education — Kareh enhanced it with adding People and Process to be more inclusive of social media’s influence on it.
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