The DQ response must have around 300 words.
In responding to this discussion question is Chapter 8, read and analyze the 8.1 (Introduction) and 8.2 (Ethical Issues in Marketing) in Chapter 8.
For this Discussion Question #1, analyze the ethical implications for marketing. ..
In your first paragraph, identify the discussion points from the readings of 8.1 and 8.2 that describe or define the ethical considerations and implications for Marketing
In this first paragraph, select one important idea, ethical consideration, or a marketing dilemma. Complete this first paragraph by discussing the ethical and marketing implications. Remember, discuss these points in your own words.
Use your own words to write around three sentences or more. I am flexible how you approach this analysis.
The second paragraph further analyzes the impact of marketing on ethics from your first paragraph. Remember, I am looking for content. You can select different sections from these three sections to support your analysis. Your response to this second paragraph must have three sentences or more. I am flexible on how you approach this analysis.
The third paragraph is a statement of what you feel you have learned from the DQ. You can give an accurate assessment of your feelings regarding the DQ. The important point is whether how you may apply business ethics practices or supporting policies on ethical behaviors as an employee or manager in an organization. This paragraph must have three sentences.
Book Info:
An Introduction to Business Ethics by Joseph DesJardins, 5th edition McGraw-Hill.
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