Psychology assignment 2687
Due Sunday 7/29/18 at 5 pm. For Modules 3- 7, the papers can conceptualize a client of your choosing using the theoretical perspective outlined for that module. Use the same client for each paper. Each paper should include a brief description of the client/patient, case conceptualization from the perspectives in the theory as supported by your text and other sources and some possible strategies to address each perspective. For example: Using your texts and other sources, write a brief (2-3 pages) Humanist (existential, gestalt, or person centered theories) conceptualization of a client from your present or past work. Include considerations for development of a treatment plan. Grading Criteria: I. Conceptualization o Appropriate conceptualization based on model o Mindful application of strategies II. Writing & APA o Use correct grammar and spelling, etc. o Proper formatting of title page, etc. Scenario: Consumer is a forty-three-year-old African American female who reports being diagnosed with bipolar disorder, manic depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and PTSD. Documentation from the Virginia Department of Corrections medical discharge summary reports on 12/27/11 reports the consumer was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and PTSD. Consumer reports her first hospitalization was at Central State hospital at the age of 14 for suicidal ideations. Consumer reports no current suicidal or homicidal ideations. Previously the consumer received therapy and was seeing the psychiatrist at the Panic Anxiety and Depression Center. Consumer reports she stopped going due to the center closing. Consumer expressed interest in finding a new therapist and psychiatrist. She also reports receiving MHSS in the past. Consumer is currently prescribed Amitriptyline, Seroquel, Mirtazapine, and Lorazepam. Consumer’s medication is prescribed by her PCP Dr. Lerla Joseph, until she finds a new psychiatrist. Consumer reports suffering from depressive symptoms 3 to 4 times a week. Consumer states when she does not have medication she will become more sensitive and have crying spells. Consumer reports during bouts of depression she has a decreased appetite. She also reported isolating herself 3 to 4 times a week due to sadness. Consumer states she doesn’t like being around others. Consumer reports the primary trigger for her depression is when she reflects on the death of her oldest son. She reported her son died in 2011. Consumer reports she has a tough time releasing her stress and sadness. She identified herself as an introvert. Consumer reported being diagnosed with schizophrenia, but she does not believe has the disorder. Consumer admitted that she hears voices, especially of her deceased son and family members. Consumer reports having anxiety daily. She reports when having anxiety, she will hyperventilate and become irritable. Consumer identified being around a lot of people and confusion as her triggers for anxiety. She reported having to increase her anxiety medication. She reports being a single parent to 1 year old twins as a major stressor. She feels as if she has no support from the father, and that she often feels overwhelmed. Consumer reports having difficulty with managing appointments and balancing mother hood. Consumer reports having asthma, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, and hypothyroidism. Consumer reports her depressive symptoms affect her ability to perform ADL’s. Consumer stated when she becomes depressed she needs motivation to clean and cook. Consumer stated she has history of poor money management. She reports using her money for nonessential items instead of saving it. Consumer expressed that she needs more income to cover her bills and to support her family. Consumer reported being molested by family between the ages of 9 to 11 years old. She identified this period as the start of her depressive symptoms. Consumer reported no criminal charges were filed. She stated, “I just dealt with it”. Consumer reported becoming emancipated at the age of 17 years old. She reported being on probation at the age of 13-year-old due to fighting and being around negative influences. At the age of 17 years old she was sent to prison for robbery. She stayed in jail for 19 years. Consumer reports abusing heroin from the ages of 15 to 17 years old. MHSS is needed to help the consumer build skills to live successfully and independently in the community. Â
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