Psychology assignment 2665
PHASE 4 IP Understanding Substance Abuse *******IF YOU ARE NOT SET UP TO ACCEPT ANYTHING BUT PAYPAL PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND AS I AM HAVING PROBLEMS WITH HOMEWORKMARKET AND PAYPAL!***********  MUST HAVE IN TEXT CITE MUST BE LESS THAN 20% OV SCORE MY PHASE 3 DISCUSSION BELOW THE ASSIGNMENT, THIS ASSIGNMENT REFERS TO THAT TREATMENT METHOD  You are now in the fourth session with the Robertson family. Dan, Marie, and Peter have all recognized how they contribute to the family problems. Using the treatment method you chose for this family in your Phase 3 Discussion Board, describe the following in 3–4 pages: How you will help the family members identify and interrupt harmful interaction patterns? How will you assist the family members in adopting strategies and behaviors that sustain recovery? According to the issues stated in Robertson’s family, the personal disorders model of treatment could be relevant once used in treating of these unhealthy relations that exist among the family members. The personal disorders model examines the disruption of the normal behavior of an individual which can be triggered by past experiences or currents events (Costa & Widiger, 1994). For instance, when Peter continuously sees his mother ignoring the father Peter ends up taking that and, he ignores his father. It is a mental shift that deviates from the normality, and this model examines as well as gives appropriate solutions to such conditions. We expected Peter’s mother to assist him with the homework when Peter asks but surprisingly his mom sleeps and forgets Peter had requested for her help such a condition cannot require any other model of treatment apart from personal disorder model. The personal disorder model analyses the cause of such conditions which may trigger the mental set up to react differently as opposed to what we expect. This diagnostic model uses the symptoms to come up with the solution to the identified condition which at the end gives an accurate clinic diagnoses because it relies on exactly what is happening. The treatment model, when applied to Robertson’s family, will be accurate because from the writing Dan accepts to be violent and often angry that makes him ignore on her wife and act in compromising behavior when interacting with his family. The model classifies the symptoms before going ahead to offer treatment since different signs also require different treatment, for example, Peter’s condition of ignoring cannot be treated like Dan’s case, but it can be dealt with as well as his mother’s case. This model will work better for Robert’s family than other models like medical model since these cases do not have medical backgrounds just from what the family expressed, the reason that made Peter start ignoring his father was after seeing her mother ignoring the father repeatedly and after her mother turning him down when it comes to assisting him to carry out the homework (Linehan, 1993)). The reason that makes Dan yell to his wife and kids is that of anger this is a disorder that this model may consider a way of solving it. Once the treatment mechanisms are done on Dan’s anger, then the yelling will gradually stop. The model determines the history of the condition that will assist in the identification of the cause of the disorder when Dan explicitly state that his current disorder is rooted in his anger that is the clinic history that will go all along in helping to avert the condition. Routine management, as well as other medical attention, will focus on the solution to anger and once that is done then Dan’s situation will be reversed. The nature of the cases in Robertson’s family makes the personal disorder model of treatment appropriate, and if the right strategy by the therapist is employed then the disorders will be sought out, and the family will finally have a healthy relationship. As much as personal disorder model has been criticized because of its examination nature the model remains useful in certain situations once applied according to the clinical guidelines. For instance, in the Robertson’s family case this model is the best and once used as demanded then the outcome will be beneficial to the family. References Costa Jr, P. T., & Widiger, T. A. (1994). Personality disorders and the five-factor model of personality. American Psychological Association. Linehan, M. (1993). Cognitive-behavioral treatment of borderline personality disorder. Guilford press. Â
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