Psychology assignment 2610
Outline for Speech 2: Informative Preparation Outline 2: Informative by Student’s Name Specific Purpose: (Example) I want the audience to understand the modes of delivery. Thesis Sentence: (Example) There are four modes of delivery. Introduction Body Use a full sentence for your first main point. Use a full sentence for your first 1st-order sub-point. Use a full sentence for your second 1st-order sub-point. You may choose to use a full sentence or a word or phrase here for your first 2nd-order sub-point. If you used a sentence for your first 2nd-order sub-point, also use a sentence for your second 2nd-order sub-point. However, if you used a word or phrase for your first 2nd-order sub-point, use a word or phrase for your second 2nd-order sub-point. Use a full sentence for your first main point. Use a full sentence for your first 1st-order sub-point. Use a full sentence for your second 1st-order sub-point. You may choose to use a full sentence or a word or phrase here for your first 2nd-order sub-point. If you used a sentence for your first 2nd-order sub-point, also use a sentence for your second 2nd-order sub-point. However, if you used a word or phrase for your first 2nd-order sub-point, use a word or phrase for your second 2nd-order sub-point. Conclusion Bibliography   Speech Guidelines Speech 2: Informative Purpose The purpose of the informative speech is to get the audience to understand an idea, concept, process, or procedure. Gain and hold the audience’s attention in an interesting manner. Use your classmates’ introductions to analyze your audience. Choose a topic that you are interested in and that your audience might be interested in. Length This speech must be 5-7 minutes long. You will lose points if your speech is less than 5 minutes or is longer than 7 minutes and 15 seconds. You should have at least 3 outside sources of information (6 for maximum credit) for the informative speech. Cite these sources orally in your speech. You may use written sources (books, magazines, newspapers), credible online sources, and personal interviews. Sources You should have at least 3 outside sources of information (6 for maximum credit) for the informative speech. Cite these sources orally in your speech, where you use them in the body of speech. You may use written sources (e.g., books, magazines, newspapers), credible online sources, and personal interviews. Organization The introduction to the informative speech should gain attention, orient the audience by stating the topic, offer a reason for listening, and preview the body of the speech. The body of the informative speech must contain 2-5 main points using patterns of organization covered in the textbook; other patterns of organization must have prior approval by the instructor. Each main point must be well supported by 2-5 1st-order sub-points (what the textbook calls “subpoints”) designed to illustrate the main points (examples, illustrations, facts, quotations, etc.) Don’t overload the audience with information. Move from simple to complex ideas. Move from familiar to unfamiliar ideas. Define your terms. The conclusion of the informative speech should restate or summarize the main points and communicate a sense of finality (verbally or nonverbally indicate that you have finished talking). You may end the speech with a story or quotation. Transitions between major sections of the informative speech (introduction, body, conclusion) and the main points should be carefully planned and used while delivering the speech. Use transitions to move the audience’s attention from section to section and from main point to main point in the body of the speech. Delivery You must use an extemporaneous method of delivery (not manuscript, memorized, impromptu). Try to use eye contact, facial expressions, posture, gestures, appropriate volume, pronunciation, articulation, and vocal variety effectively. Think about delivery when you are rehearsing the speech. During the speech, concentrate on the message and the importance of communicating the message to the audience. You can use 1 or 2 note cards; if you use more than two (2) note cards or a sheet or sheets of paper for delivery notes, you will lose points. You must display your notes on camera before you begin speaking. You should be looking at the audience about 85% of the time. You will lose points if you look at your notes too frequently or for too long at one time.    COMM 110: Introduction to Speech
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