Psychology assignment 2607
BELOW WAS MY HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT FOLLOWED BY THE ANSWER THAT I GAVE. ALL I NEED IS A RESPONSE TO THE QUESTION THAT MY INSTRUCTOR ASKED IN REGARDS TO MY ANSWER. NO TITLE PAGE/HEADER IS NEEDED, JUST THE RESPONSE. ONLY NEEDS TO BE 1/2 A PAGE IN LENGTH. “I  am a part of all that I have met.” (Alfred Lord Tennyson) The quote has  both individual and general application for all of us. How does  this quote relate to our topic of the psychological basis of involvement  in exercise and physical activity in terms of the material covered in  Chapter 9 and Chapter 10? Alfred Lord Terryson’s quote “I am a part of all that I have met”  creates a sense of self-concept. Self-concept is the idea that people  have about themselves whether physically, socially, emotionally, or  spiritually in regard of others aspects that make them who they are.  Self-concept is formed as people grow. Self-concept has a close  relationship to other “self” like self-image, self-esteem,  self-awareness, and self-efficacy. Nevertheless, the quote is also applicable in how a person sees a  group which he or she is part of. One can use this quote to express how  his or her involvement in physical activity together with other group  members has changed him or her. In such a case, the Group Environment  Questionnaire is usually used to measure how cohesive a group is by  evaluating task and social aspects of a sportsperson’s attraction and  perceptions to a group. Group Environment Questionnaire also helps to  determine how an individual is strong psychologically when in and out of  a group. Group Environment Test is also used to assess a team’s social  climate. Social climate is assessed using factors such as; cohesion,  expressiveness, task orientation, independence, order and organization,  anger and aggression, and innovation and leader control (Carron, 2013).  Another tool, PAGEQ measures cohesion in exercise classes. In addition, the quote “I am a part of all that I have met” is  aligned with the psychological argument that characters and traits are  acquired from daily experiences. For this reason, a sportsperson should  be made to adopt certain important characters and traits through various  psychological strategies. First, he or she can be made to believe in  “self” through, for example, attachment. Each team member should attach  him/herself to each other in order to create atmosphere of belongingness  which is very important for self-actualization (Loughead &  Carrasco, 2015). Having a person who can nurture and guide the each  person in a sport’s team is another way of making members  psychologically strong. They will work harder knowing that what they are  doing is right and be assured that if they are doing wrong their  instructor will point it out. Working hard in sports cannot be  underestimated. A team should also be made to feel that they have support including  social support, enacted support and when necessary, perceived support  all of which will help them have the courage to carry on even in the  trying moments due to the confidence they think people have in them.  Psychologically, sports individuals usually strong, know that they have a  reliable alliance that can support them if need be behind them. This  boosts their motivation as they feel that they are receiving adequate  support to go farther. Lastly, since physical activities are very  competitive, team members need to feel recognized and valued for what  they are doing (Sireci & Wells, 2012). Therefore, it is crucial to  give them credit when they deserve it, a move that reassures them of  their worth. In conclusion, from the discussion above, it is clear that people are  usually what they have gone through or met. This reason alone justifies  why sportspersons should be integrated with other sportsmen/women to  learn from, to get motivation or the willingness to carry on and made to  feel that they are appreciated and supported by society for them to  emerge stronger both physically and psychologically which is important  for self-actualization. INSTRUCTORS QUESTION Your discussion is right on point with the self-concept that a person  has the potential to be influenced by those they encounter. To take the  discussion a step further, can you relate to the quote and see how you,  in your professional role and/or coaching, have changed because of those  you have met. An example would be taking information back from a clinic  and applying it to your coaching.
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