Psychology assignment 2469
  Anorexia Discussion Caucasian females from Western societies tend to be the most at-risk population for anorexia. Discuss why you think these women are most at risk. Be sure to comment on at least one other student’s responses. Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation Activity Create a 3-coulumn table. In the first column, list five activities you engage in on a daily or weekly basis. In the second column, describe why you engage in each activity. In the third column, state whether you are intrinsically or extrinsically motivated.  Body Language Discussion Think about a time when you or someone you know body’s language exposed their true feelings. Describe the situation and what specific actions that clued you in.  Make sure to comment on at least one other student’s response. Myers Briggs Activity The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a popular personality test. Take the modified version of the test using the following link. Read your results. In a brief paragraph answer the following questions. Did anything surprise you? Do you agree with the results?      If so, how will you use these results in college, family and career? If you do not agree with the      results, what do you think the test got wrong? Personality Test Discussion Many companies make potential employees take a psychological test like Myer Briggs. Do you think the results of such tests should be part of the criteria to determine whether or not someone is qualified for a job?  Why or why not?  Would there be certain professions where tests like these would matter more?  Name the profession and your reasoning. Defense Mechanism Activity pick 4 of the defense mechanisms and write a college-student based example for each. Example: Denial–Kelly is going to Cancun for spring break even though she knows that with one more failing grade in Physics she will be on academic probation.  Denial Displacement Projection Rationalization Reaction formation Regression Repression Sublimation Personality Discussion The personality chapter discusses many theories of personality, which vary widely on ideas of when and how personality was developed, the different influences on personality, and the ability to change personality. Which theory (or theories) do you agree with the most and the least?  Why? look up theories of personality and pick one. Social Group Activity Write down five different social groups you identify with (for example, student, activist, female/male, parent, waiter/waitress). Think about what online groups you belong, where you have a membership (gym, library) or clubs you belong to. List them out. Now, think about stereotypes that people who are not in this social group might have of its members. For instance, boring and nerdy is often the stereotype of someone who frequents a library.   For each of your five social groups, list 3-5 stereotyped characteristics associated with that group. On a scale of 1-5, (1 most describes you, 5 least describes you) rate whether or not these characteristics describe you? Bystander Discussion Deciding whether or not to help a stranger in need can be difficult. After watching the following video, discuss your thoughts. Would you stop and help the people in the video? Why or why not? Breaking Social Norms Activity Social norms guide and direct our behavior. Social norms are not laws, and we are not required to act in certain ways, but we do. We often get irritated when others do not act appropriately for the situation. In addition, it can make us uncomfortable to break a social norm. Write one or two paragraphs about a time you broke a social norm. Did you do it on purpose? Did you know you broke the norm or did someone point it out to you? How did you feel about breaking the norm?  Where do you think that norm came from?   Do you think it is important that we, as a society, maintain this social norm? Why or why not? Exchange papers with a classmate (either in person or online) to evaluate their violation of a norm.  Answer the following questions: Do you think the behavior is a violation of a social norm? Have you ever broken this norm? Where do you think that norm came from? Do you think it is important that we, as a society, maintain this social norm? Why or why not? Psychology of Evil Discussion Watch the video and discuss your thoughts. Were you surprised by anything in the video? What do you think motivates people to act in ways that are good or evil?
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