Psychology assignment 2398
 Which STDs can be cured and which can only be treated? For STDs that can only be treated, would you always be contagious? What are the most effective methods to prevent their spread to yourself and your partner? What should you do if you are diagnosed with an STD?  Develops an initial post with an organized, clear point of view or idea using rich and significant detail.  Make sure to add evidence to support your statements. We need to add information from credible, scholarly sources to make a case for this topic and what you are understanding about it.  Provides relevant and meaningful response posts with clarifying explanation and detail.  Writes posts that are easily understood, clear, and concise using proper citation methods where applicable with no errors in citation. Discussion 2   For each response, identify one idea advanced by that learner that strikes you as particularly useful, and describe how you might use it. What questions or suggestions can you offer each? Jimmie post  The strengths identified in Bloom’s Taxonomy outlines the foundational tools of critical thinking to prepare learners with the ability to achieve the highest level of complex thinking in order to question and test assumptions. In addition, once these skills are gained the learner can then use these skills in education, writing literature reviews and in everyday life. As such, Bloom’s Taxonomy provides a guide for professors to grade and identify competency levels the learner yields. According to Granello (2001), “when instructors read students’’ papers, it is often apparent at which level of the Taxonomy a particular student is operating”. Thus, the weaknesses of Blooms’ Taxonomy does not encapsulate all levels and disciplines of writing and therefore poses a gap. As a doctoral level learner, the use of Bloom’s learning model will provide not only the insight to help critically think, but also encourage one to ask the necessary questions as to the methods used to get to a certain level of review, allow for ability to ponder alternative explanations while also providing instruction to properly format papers written in a scholarly perspective. Upon reading the various definitions of each level of Bloom’s taxonomy model it provided me with a plan as I begin to research, review various literatures, synthesize to interpret, in my own words while creating an outline to guide my writing in order to be clear and concise in thought, sound argument and written word. According to Bloom’s model, knowledge is the lowest level which as a doctoral level learner this level of competency would not allow for success by just reciting written information. Lastly, in order to reach the Evaluation phase of Bloom’s model practice is required. Literature reviews written at the doctoral level will require the learner to write from a scientific perspective with support to include qualitative data to defend convincing arguments. Learning Bloom’s model of taxonomy is an expectation for learners to achieve a level of critical thinking in order to prepare for the Capstone project, as well as for the final dissertation to successfully complete the doctoral program. Richild post  Like any theoretical model, Bloom’s Taxonomy has its strengths and weaknesses. Its greatest strength is that it has taken the very important topic of thinking and placed a structure around it that is usable by practitioners. Those teachers who keep a list of question prompts relating to the various levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy undoubtedly do a better job of encouraging higher-order thinking in their learners than those who have no such tool. On the other hand, as anyone who has worked with a group of educators to classify a group of questions and learning activities according to the Taxonomy can attest, there is little consensus about what seemingly self-evident terms like “analysis,” or “evaluation” mean (Bloom,1956). In addition, so many worthwhile activities, such as authentic problems and projects, cannot be mapped to the Taxonomy, and trying to do that would diminish their potential as learning opportunities. According to this taxonomy, each level of knowledge can correspond to each level of cognitive process, so a learner can remember factual or procedural knowledge, understand conceptual or meta cognitive knowledge, or analyze metacognitive or factual knowledge (Bloom,1956). According to Anderson and his colleagues, “Meaningful learning provides learners with the knowledge and cognitive processes they need for successful problem solving”(Bloom,1956). The following charts list examples of each skill of the Cognitive and Knowledge Dimensions.Â
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