Psychology assignment 2327
Readings Adolescence Use your Development Through Life text to read the following: · Pages 347–379 of Chapter 9, “Early Adolescence (12 to 18 Years).” Note: This is the portion of the chapter most relevant to your work in this unit. The early part of the chapter (pages 327–346) are also interesting, but optional for this course. · Chapter 10, “Later Adolescence (18 to 24 Years),” pages 381–424. Career Counseling Use the Capella library to read the following: · Mekinda’s 2012 article, “Support for Career Development in Youth: Program Models and Evaluations,” from New Directions for Youth Development, issue 134, pages 45–54. · Taylor’s 1997 article, “Workshop to Orient Students to Career Planning Services,” from The Career Development Quarterly, volume 45, issue 3, pages 293–296. These articles focus on career program planning, organization, implementation, and evaluation. You will use these articles to complete the discussion in this unit, and as resources for your assignment in Unit 8. Optional – Readings You may choose to read the following: · Davidson’s 2001 article, “The Computerization of Career Services: Critical Issues to Consider,” from Journal of Career Development, volume 27, issue 3, pages 217–228. · Hirschi’s 2011 article, “Career-Choice Readiness in Adolescence: Developmental Trajectories and Individual Differences,” from Journal of Vocational Behavior, volume 79, issue 2, pages 340–348. · McKinnon’s 2002 article, “Community Career Services—23 Years Outside the Box,” from Journal of Career Development, volume 28, issue 3, pages 159–168. · Nevo and Wiseman’s 2002 article, “Incorporating Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy Principles into Career Counseling: A Theoretical and Practical Approach,” from the Journal of Career Development, volume 28, issue 4, pages 227–245. · Niles’s 2011 article, “Career Flow: A Hope-Centered Model of Career Development,” from Journal of Employment Counseling, volume 48, issue 4, pages 173–175. · Pope’s 2011 article, “The Career Counseling With Underserved Populations Model,” from Journal of Employment Counseling, volume 48, issue 4, pages 153–155. · Thomas and Gibbons’s 2009 article, “Narrative Theory: A Career Counseling Approach for Adolescents of Divorce,” from Professional School Counseling, volume 12, issue 3, pages 223–229. Visit the iGuide page Welcome to the Career Center to learn more about the resources and tools available for your career development. You will use this information in the discussion in this unit. Although it is not required for this course, you may also find it useful to complete the Career Planning Self-Assessment and explore the Practica, Internships and Field Experiences section. THIS IS THE DISCUSSION HOMEWORK Addressing Career Concerns in Adolescence Resources · Discussion Participation Scoring Guide. · Welcome to the Career Center. Reflecting on your readings, other articles you locate in the professional literature, your online research for career resources, and your exploration of the Capella Career Center, consider the types of career-planning information and resources you might draw from when exploring career-related issues with clients and students. For this discussion, imagine that you are working with a 17-year-old adolescent and his family. They have come to see you because the teen is not attending school regularly and states that he intends to drop out because school is boring and he wants to start working and be treated like an adult. His parents state that they are willing to treat him like an adult if he prepares for his future appropriately and can demonstrate that he will be able to find a job he enjoys and earn enough income to support himself. He is not sure what kind of career path he would like to follow and would consider vocational training. As the counselor, what knowledge about career and educational planning do you need to begin your work with this teen? How would you go about locating resources that would be helpful for the teen and his family? Include in your post at least two resources from the Capella Career Center and at least two online career resources that the teen could access to support his career and educational planning process. Also, discuss in your post how you would move forward with the teen and his family to address any concerns that may arise about the teen’s success in finding an appropriate job or vocational training placement, as well as what type of follow-up and evaluation you would include about this issue in future counseling sessions. DUE ON 6/15/16@5PM Eastern Standard Time
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