Psychology assignment 2311
Milestone 1: 300-400 words : For Milestone One, you will submit your proposed analysis paper topic and one related scholarly reference to the Discussion Board and receive feedback from both your instructor and your peers. This feedback will allow you to refine and improve your topic for resubmission in Milestone Two. You will also give feedback to at least two other students on their topics. In response to your peers, provide feedback on their proposed topic and suggest ways in which they might refine and improve it. Some topic examples include how exposure to certain hazards during the prenatal period can affect a person at a particular stage of life; gender and cultural development; the effects of peer relationships on development; and the psychosocial considerations of aging throughout the life span. After choosing a paper topic, choose a stage of development (e.g., prenatal) that you will focus on when you write about your chosen topic. For example, if you were to choose “development and role of attachment” and “infancy,” your final paper would focus mainly on the development and role of attachment during infancy. More specifically, it might describe and discuss parent–infant attachment styles and how secure versus insecure attachment styles develop. You would also explore ways attachment may unfold or progress in later stages of development as well as the role or influence attachment can play (e.g., relationship development) in later stages of development, including one to two factors that can promote or hinder optimal attachment relationships. If you decide to write about a later stage of development (e.g., adolescence or adulthood), you would then discuss how attachment may have developed or looked like at earlier stages of development and at least one to two factors that could have promoted or hindered optimal attachment relationships in adulthood. The stages of development for you to consider include the following: Prenatal Postpartum Infancy Early childhood Middle childhood Adolescence Early adulthood Middle adulthood Late adulthood Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: Description of your human development topic Summary of scholarly reference . Milestone2: Build on milestone 1 For this milestone, you will finalize your analysis paper topic according to instructor and peer feedback. In addition, you will find three potential resources that you will use to write your analysis paper. For each reference you select, you will write a brief paragraph (75–100 words) that describes how each reference relates to the topic and how you will use it in your paper. The references should be from scholarly sources such as journal articles or government, medical, university, or professional organization websites. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: · Description of your refined human development topic · Summary of each potential scholarly reference · Description of how you will apply each reference · Logical integration of your topic and references Guidelines for Submission: Your paper should be 400–500 words in length. It should be double spaced and should use 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and references in APA format. Short paper: We know that both genetics and environment have an effect on human development. We have genetic tendencies, but we are also influenced by factors such as the environment and parenting style. Choose a factor—such as IQ, autism, ADHD, or addiction to drugs or alcohol—that is influenced by both nature and nurture. Then discuss your beliefs on how much each of those sides influences your chosen factor. Back up your viewpoint with a least one example of current research or an expert opinion. Your short paper should demonstrate an understanding of the topic, as evidenced by discussing the required critical elements, sharing your opinion, and applying current research. Analyze the topic, integrate text and reference material into the short paper, and apply course concepts into your discussion. Demonstrate your critical thinking ability by giving your thoughts and opinions on the topic, and explain why you hold those beliefs. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: · Nature versus nurture for a chosen factor · Application of current research · Critical analysis Guidelines for Submission: Use at least one reference in addition to the course textbook. It must be from a reliable source, such as a journal or a professional association or university site. Follow these formatting guidelines: one to two double-spaced pages, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and references in APA format at the end of the paper.
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