Psychology assignment 2281
Assignment 1: Peer Critique of Final Interview Session In this module, your facilitator will assign you the submissions of two students whose final interview papers you will review and critique. Read each file and make notes of o the interactions of the client and the student therapist along with the feedback and summary reports. Critique as follows: The engagement of the client at the beginning of the session One use of attending One use of paraphrasing One instance of reflecting a feeling One instance of expressing empathy The summarizing at the end of the session Express your feedback by showing how the client reacted in the notes of the therapist and in the client’s feedback. In this way, you’ll be providing objective feedback about the results of the skills as evidenced the reports of both the therapist and the client. Submit your critiques in two to three paragraphs to the M7: Assignment 1 Dropbox and the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Name your file SP6104_M7_A1_lastname_firstinitial.doc. Read and review the critiques submitted by others to gain a broad perspective of counseling skills and client responses. Contribute to the discussion by drawing conclusions from the critique results through the end of the module. All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources. Assignment 1 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsProvided feedback about the effects of the counselor on engaging the client by the client’s response.8Provided feedback about the effects of the counselor’s use of attending by describing the client’s response.8Provided feedback about the effects of the counselor’s use of paraphrasing by describing the client’s response.8Provided feedback about the effects of the counselor’s reflecting the client’s feeling by describing the client’s response.8Provided feedback about the effects of the counselor’s expression of empathy by describing the client’s response.8Provided feedback about the effects of the counselor’s use of summarizing at the close of the session by describing the client’s response.8Participated in the discussion by drawing conclusions about the broad range of results of counselor behaviors.8Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.4Total:60  The engagement of the client at the beginning of the session It seems to me that at the beginning of the session the client was a bit reluctant to go see the therapist and was a little uncomfortable doing so. In my opinion the client seems very nervous by using the phrase “um” so much. One use of attending You could tell that the therapist was listening because I the middle of the session as the client is telling his story the therapist is saying ok and nodding his head as to show that he is understanding what is being said. For future sessions I feel that the client could be a little more verbal when responding to what the client had to say. This might make the client more comfortable in opening up. One use of paraphrasing To me this was a very good example of paraphrasing. You were about to restate what the patient said into your own words. ME: Ok.  So, Andy, with all that I’m hearing, between the football, classes and grades, and going out, it really does sound like there are a lot of time management concerns.  Is that correct? One instance of reflecting a feeling A feeling that I noticed was consolation, the advice that was given to the client was something that made them feel better after they’ve been discouraged about coming and opening up. ME: Ok.  I’m really glad this is helping you, Andy.  You know, together we can work towards ways of managing the time you have and creating a less stressed environment.  One instance of expressing empathy In my opinion there was a lack of empathy when the client decided to open up there was never really a part that built that bridge. In my opinion the therapist should have let the client know that there are a very large number of student athletes that are going through some of the same difficulties ironing out these issues The summarizing at the end of the session I feel that the full summary of the session and the issues of the client where covered very accurate and very well written. ME: So, to summarize today, we’ve gone over your grades and that additional tutoring might help, the pressure of school along with football is accumulating and currently your outlet is going out drinking but it could be fishing, and your girlfriend had you come in here to talk with someone, even if this is something that at first you may have felt reluctant to.  Does that sound about right?
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