Psychology assignment 2230
I need help writing a research paper on teenage pregnancy a man’s perspective with a 4-page literature review and a minimum of 15 -25 pages. I have to interview a mail and I’m not sure of the questions to ask. This is a Qualitative Research Project so in order to Individual Research Project/Qualitative Paper: 100 points. PB: 11, 12, 13, 19, 30 The main requirement for this course is to complete the qualitative project which has been approved by the course instructor. This project measures a student’s ability to communicate effectively in written format demonstrating the student understands and ability to construct critical thinking discussions utilizing research guided inquiry. The student will be responsible for every aspect of the project, from design to reporting. This project is worth a total of 100 points towards your final grade. a. Introduction and Literature Review: Introduction should include your statement of the problem, purpose of the study; significance and delimitations of the study; assumptions; and research question. Your literature review should include a minimum of 7-10 empirical sources. It should be formatted using APA 7th (ed) style. Your literature review should be organized around the themes or topics that the sources cover. It should not be a list of summaries of each source. It should include a properly formatted reference list. The literature review will consist of 4-5 pages. Methodology: you will turn in a methodology for your paper, including a description of your research strategy, conceptualization, research question, population and sample, setting, confidentiality, field experience, and analysis. The methodology will have a minimum of 3 pages. Results: the student will demonstrate their understanding of written data analysis and employ as needed tables and graphs to communicate their findings. This section will have a minimum of 4-5 pages. Discussion and conclusion: the student will write a through explanation of the major findings and limitations of the study. The discussion section should allow the reader to link the findings to either previous studies or to consider future research. This section will have a minimum of 2-3 pages. Your final paper should be at least 15 pages long, and no more than 25-pages long (including a title page, an abstract, and a reference list). This final paper is worth 100 points. The paper will not be graded unless all consent forms and transcriptions have been submitted. See Suggested Outline for Research Paper at end of the syllabus Rubric for Research Project 100 points · Exceptional corresponds to an A (94-100%). Performance is outstanding; significantly above the usual expectations. · Proficient corresponds to a grade of B to A- (83-93%). Skills and standards are at the level of expectation. · Basic corresponds to a C- to B- (70-83%). Skills and standards are acceptable but improvements are needed to meet expectations well. Novice corresponds to a D (69 to 60%). Performance is weak; the skills or standards are not sufficiently demonstrated at this time. 0 represents failure (59% and below) Criteria Earned points Ratings 1 2 3 4 5 PB11 Provide an introduction describing the proposed research project; review of the literature and description of proposed methodology and data analysis procedures. 15 PB 12 Review of the social work literature including a critical analysis of quantitative and qualitative research methods and research findings relevant to the topic 20 PB 19 The student has collected, organized, and critically interpreted client data. This includes introduction of research design; sample, role of the researcher; description of the participants and description of the site. Also includes data collection protocols such as interview procedures and types of questions. Student has critically interpreted findings. 20 PB 30 Provide a critical analysis and evaluation of the findings and possible interventions for service delivery outcomes relevant to the topic. 15 PB 13 Students will articulate the importance and relevance of the research to the social work community, how it can improve practice, policy and service delivery. 15 Correct grammar, punctuation, sentence structure is evident. References are appropriately cited using APA Style with accompanying reference page at the end of the paper. 15 Total
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