Psychology assignment 2185
Sport Psychology Presentation By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies: Competency 1: Apply psychological theories to explain and improve sport performance. Competency 2: Evaluate the implications of new research for professional practice in sport psychology. Competency 3: Address the unique needs of diverse participants and groups in sport to customize working models that fit specific populations. Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the psychological professions. Assignment Overview The final assignment for this course allows you to take an area of particular interest in the field of sport psychology and develop a presentation for a specific audience. For example, this audience may be athletes, coaches, parents of youths in sports, or members of a professional organization. As this is the most applied assignment in the course, you are encouraged to select a topic that you anticipate presenting in your actual work, in addition to an audience with whom you currently (or aspire to) work. (You will not be required to make an actual presentation.) Assignment Instructions For your final assignment, you are asked to analyze how psychological theory can help to explain and improve sport performance in your chosen topic area. In creating this presentation, please make sure to specify the intended audience, gender, culture, ability level, and type of sport. Develop your PowerPoint presentation and handout on one of the following course topics. Perform a search of peer-reviewed research on the topic. Personality. Motivation. Optimal performance. Stress. Anxiety. Team dynamics. Leadership (as it relates to sport). Attributions. Aggression (as it relates to sport). Analyze the theoretical support of this concept or theory. In your analysis include how and why psychological theory has been used to explain this concept and the strengths and weaknesses of theory related to this area. Depending on your selected audience, this information can be presented in either the actual presentation or in the notes of your presentation. It is essential, though, that this analysis is present somewhere and is supported, via in-text citations, with peer-reviewed literature. Evaluate the current and past literature on a specific topic relating to sport psychology. Evaluate how the chosen sport psychology topic has been studied historically and how the history relates to performance. Assess how and why research has been applied to this concept. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of alternative sport psychology perspectives. Apply theory and current research on the sport psychology topic to a diverse population. When applying theory and research be sure to: Articulate strengths and weaknesses of various theories in regards to diversity. Point out where theory is lacking in regards to diverse populations. Determine where opportunities for future research in this area. Thinking of your audience, you will also want to address pertinent questions, issues and concepts related to your topic. Apply psychological theories and recent advances in science and technology research to improve sport performance in this topic area. You may want to consider areas such as neuroscience. Thinking of your audience, you will also want to address pertinent questions, issues and concepts related to your topic. Submission Requirements Format of final presentation: Minimum of 20 slides (maximum of 40), along with a handout to accompany the presentation. The models, worksheets, key points, et cetera). The order of the slides should be as follows: Slide 1: Title page. Slide 2: Objectives (what you want your audience to know when you are done). Slide 3: Table of contents (a list of the specific topics you will address). Slides 4–15: Article summaries, conclusions, main points. Summary (may be several slides). Reference list. Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message. APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting. Number of resources: Minimum of 10 resources with citations. The final version of your PowerPoint slide show should contain all the basic written information that you would include in your presentation: titles, headers, brief bulleted or numbered statements, and so on. In addition, add what comments or discussion points you plan to cover in the presentation in the “notes” section of the PowerPoint slide. Refer to the Sport Psychology Presentation Scoring Guide to ensure that your work meets the grading criteria for this assignment. For more information on how to create an effective PowerPoint slide show, see Effective PowerPoint Presentations, linked in the Resources
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