Psychology assignment 2160
Response Guidelines Review the responses of your peers, focus on what has been shared. Identify some aspect in each case that you believe will lead to powerful benefits for that peer, explaining why. Identify one additional way that each learner might make the most of that particular aspect of their learning, describing how it might help in his or her profession. Introduction          Helping relationships can create healthy relationships. Body  It’s normal to want to rescue your client from their troubles, inform them about what you believe in, or how you may do things. Then reality kicks in and I have to separate my personal values from my professional ones. Personal Values. Counselors are aware of their own values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors and avoid imposing values that are inconsistent with counseling goals and respect for the diversity of clients, trainees, and research participants. (A.4.b.) (Corey, Corey & Callanan, 2011). Since the helping relationship is time bound and goal oriented, the helper will at some point need to inquire about the client’s problem. Many clients will be eager to share their problems. Others will be reticent about discussing problems that are personal and painful; they may test the helper by sharing less important problems first. The helper can initiate problem identification in a number of ways: “Let’s talk about why you’re here,” “Tell me what’s going on,” or “I’m wondering what’s on your mind.” In addition, the helper works with the client to identify personal and environmental strengths: “Tell me about a time when you solved this type of problem successfully,” or “What do you consider your best characteristic?” These are relatively nonthreatening ways of focusing on the client and the problem (Woodside, 2015).  Conclusion I chose helping relationships for the simple fact that it represents the Human Services field. It doesn’t matter if you’re an Advocate, Case Manager, Counselor, or a Director for a Social Service program you’re in a helping positon. And without the knowledge of how to build healthy professional relationships then you can’t strengthen your ability to work in the Human Services field. That’s the significance of helping relationships.  Reference Woodside, M. R. (2015). An Introduction to the Human Services, 8th Edition. [Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from / Response /Daynette  Read the response of your peers and respond to at one. In the response, address the following:  How has your professional growth journey been similar or different from your peer? What additional recommendations might you offer your peers as they to find ways to grow professionally? Introduction Over the course of analyzing the role of a human service professional the learner has a better sense of how to meet the needs of the client. Body The learner feels that she has grown the most by looking at each situation the learner comes across from different perspectives. The learner tries to put herself in the person shoes and gather as much information as possible to come to a conclusion. If there is a reason to do so the learner is open to enlist the expertise of other professionals working within different disciplines. For instance as a family child care provider during phone conversations with a client I try to understand that they are new to how the family childcare registration process works. I make sure that I am explaining the information in a manner where they can understand. If perhaps there is a language barrier the learner request to speak with someone who could translate or could use the language line. For an example understanding that someone coming from a different a state may need to know that the regulations are different, it is important to be patient and empathetic to their frustrations. The learner viewpoint has changed because she realizes that as a human service professional she must be held accountable to serve her clients to the best of her ability. According to National Organization for Human Service, 2015 it is the responsibility to meet and understand the needs of the clients being served. This should be the main objective for human service helpers and those who are collaborating as a team. In the future the learner plans to always be open to the ideas that are being expressed, to actively listen, provide impute and to compromise in decisions that are geared to help the client be successful. Conclusion This human service course has allowed the learner to understand the importance of her role in help change people lives. It helped the learner recognize the ethical responsibilities as a human service professional and strategies to address problems. Liz Reference National Organization for Human Services. (2015). Ethical standards for human service professionals. Response/Elizabeth
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