Psychology assignment 13962
Reply to this discussion post and ask a question apa format Rational Emotive Behavior Theory: REBT focuses on the idea that couples give more credence to thoughts rather than occurrences. Newsome and Gladding (2014) note that couples who think irrationally are more apt to becoming neurotic about the goings-on of their relationship, which then causes upheaval in relationships. To cope with disruptions in their relationships, couples should attempt to resolve and alter their ways of thinking and feeling about particular events. By focusing on the individuals in the relationship, the counselor can help the couple as a unit. This theory is also known as double systems therapy because of the focus on changing the individual within a family system. The theory I find most appealing is the rational emotive behavior theory because it treats the individual as well as the couple. I think sometimes people can lose their sense of self in their relationships so having this theory bring the focus back onto the individual and allowing them to rationalize their feelings in the context of the relationship seems to be something I would use in my own practice. If we evaluate our own internal issues we might see that our relationships can be directly affected by the way we think about things that happen within them and help us avoid turmoil or at least manage it more effectively. References Newsome, D. W., & Gladding, S. T. (2014). Clinical Mental Health Counseling in Community and Agency Settings (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.