Population Genetics
Population Genetics
1. What is the gene pool of the population depicted in the pie chart?
2. What is the gene frequency (use the Hardy-Weinberg equation)?
3. What are two types of extreme genetic drift?
4. What are more subtle contributors to genetic drift?
© eScience Labs, 2021
Population Genetics
Post-Lab Questions
Part 1
1. What is the initial gene pool of beaker #1?
2. What is the initial gene pool of beaker #2?
3. What is the initial gene frequency of beaker #1?
4. What is the initial gene frequency of beaker #2?
5. What can you say about the genetic variation between these populations?
Reflection (Discuss what you have learned by doing this experiment. How have your ideas changed? Do you have any new questions? What connections did you make between the lab and lecture?):
Part 2
1. What is the new gene pool of beaker #1?
2. What is the new gene pool of beaker #2?
3. What is the new gene frequency of beaker #1?
4. What is the new gene frequency of beaker #2?
5. What can you say about the genetic variation between these populations after mixing?
6. What principle is being explored through the combination of the beads in beaker #1 and beaker #2?
© eScience Labs, 2021
Population Genetics
Reflection (Discuss what you have learned by doing this experiment. How have your ideas changed? Do you have any new questions? What connections did you make between the lab and lecture?):
© eScience Labs, 2021
Population Genetics
Post-Lab Questions
1. What principle is being explored through the destruction of a large portion of the population?
2. What observations can you make regarding the gene pool and gene frequency of the surviving individuals? How does this change with multiple trials?
3. Do the results vary between the populations represented by beakers #1 and #2? Why or why not?
4. How will the removal of individuals from the different populations affect the genotypes of future generations? How is this different from the genotypes that would have resulted if those individuals had not been removed?
5. Suppose you have a population of 300 butterflies with the gene for color expressed as Oo (O = orange; o = yellow). What is the gene pool for this population?
6. Now suppose you have 300 eggs, but only 70% of those eggs become caterpillars, and only 80% of the caterpillars become adult butterflies. What is the gene pool for this adult population? (For simplicity, assume that all butterflies survive to the next year in this example.)
7. Suppose you have a population of 150 butterflies, but a wildfire devastates the population and only 24 butterflies survive. What percent does the gene pool decrease by?
Reflection (Discuss what you have learned by doing this experiment. How have your ideas changed? Do you have any new questions? What connections did you make between the lab and lecture?):
© eScience Labs, 2021
Population Genetics
Post-Lab Questions
1. What observations can you make regarding the gene pool and gene frequency of the founding individuals?
2. Do these results vary between beakers #1 and #2? Why or why not?
3. What observations can you make about the genetic variation between the parent and founding populations? How does the source of the founding population (Beaker 1 or Beaker 2) influence these results?
4. How will future generations from Beaker 3 differ from those of their parent populations?
Reflection (Discuss what you have learned by doing this experiment. How have your ideas changed? Do you have any new questions? What connections did you make between the lab and lecture?):
© eScience Labs, 2021
Population Genetics
Experimental Results
Distribution of colors after Step 6:
a. Blue:
b. Red:
Do you observe a selective advantage for the red or blue beads? Why?
Distribution of colors after Step 7:
a. Blue:
b. Red:
Post-Lab Questions
1. How did the distribution of phenotypes change over time in the two different environments?
2. For the two different environments, is there a selective advantage or disadvantage for the red and/or blue phenotypes?
3. What phenotypic results for each environment would you predict if starting with the following population sizes?
a. 1000:
b. 100:
c. 10:
4. What would occur if you added 10 yellow beads to Step 1 that were never predated upon?
© eScience Labs, 2021
Population Genetics
Reflection (Discuss what you have learned by doing this experiment. How have your ideas changed? Do you have any new questions? What connections did you make between the lab and lecture?):
© eScience Labs, 2021
Population Genetics
Post-Lab Questions
1. What was the ratio of alleles at the beginning of this exercise and at the end of this exercise? Did the ratio change? If so, in favor of which allele?
2. Have any alleles been selected against?
3. Given enough generations, would you expect one of these alleles to completely disappear from the population? Why or why not?
4. This exercise assumes that there is no genetic advantage to being homozygous dominant or heterozygous for the sickle cell allele. Do some research on these alleles. Is this the case in the real world? Why or why not?
5. How would your response to Question 4 change the ratio of alleles and genotypes compared to your results in this exercise?
Reflection (Discuss what you have learned by doing this experiment. How have your ideas changed? Do you have any new questions? What connections did you make between the lab and lecture?):
© eScience Labs, 2021
- Pre-Lab Questions
- Experiment 1: Genetic Variation
- Post-Lab Questions
- Part 1
- Part 2
- Experiment 2: Genetic Drift
- Post-Lab Questions
- Experiment 3: Stochastic Events
- Post-Lab Questions
- Experiment 4: Natural Selection
- Experimental Results
- Post-Lab Questions
- Experiment 5: Sickle Cell Anemia Inheritance Patterns
- Post-Lab Questions
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