Personal Diet And Nutrition Education Guide
Kaplan University School of Health Sciences
HW320 Unit 9: Final Project
Unit 9: Final Project
Course Outcomes addressed in this Assignment: HW320-1: Differentiate the current USDA’s dietary guidelines from previous versions.
HW320-2: Summarize the development and influence of farm and corporate food lobbies on governmental nutritional recommendations.
HW320-3: Compare selected diets currently being promoted.
HW320-4: Analyze the impact food-borne illnesses, genetic engineering and the organic food movements have on the global food markets.
HW320-5: Discuss the heterogeneous nature of food preferences and prohibitions in multi-cultural and multi-ethnic communities.
Instructions: You will need this Final Project Template to complete your Final Project. Replace the italicized text in the template with your own content. You will create a personal Diet and Nutrition Education Guide as a resource in your diet and nutrition career. This Diet and Nutrition Education Guide will cover materials from Units 1–9 in this course. The guide is a way to capture important information about contemporary diet and nutrition course content, resources, and tools used in the study and practice of nutrition. It will also illustrate your personal assessments related to diet and physical activity. The guide can serve as a handy reference as you continue your nutrition studies, or to use in your professional career. Requirements: Each chapter/unit of this Diet and Nutrition Education guide should contain the following information:
1. A 3–4 sentence description of three (3) key learning points from each unit covered in the course.
2. A list and short description of three (3) websites identified within the Web Resources/Webliography for each unit covered in the course.
3. A list and short description of one (1) book/article/essay/software related to each unit’s topic covered in the course.
Kaplan University School of Health Sciences
HW320 Unit 9: Final Project
A. Diet and Physical Activities Assessment: Includes your Unit 2 Assignment with screen shots and write-up of your physical activity and nutrition analysis.
B. Conduct an internet search on the dietary habits of a community in which you are interested. You can choose from the list below or select your own community. Prepare a 100–150 word summary of the information that you found on their cultural food preferences. You can use a search engine like Google or the Health Sciences Resource Room. Properly cite the website in your write-up.
ď‚· African American ď‚· Appalachian ď‚· Amish ď‚· Hmong ď‚· Mexican American ď‚· Middle Eastern ď‚· Puerto Rican ď‚· Vietnamese
 Include a separate reference page(s) per APA guidelines. This project should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.). Your writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful. Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics. Submitting your work: Submit your Assignment to the Dropbox. For instructions on submitting your work, view the Dropbox Guide located under Academic Tools at the top of your unit page. Please be sure to download the file “Writing Center Resources” from Doc Sharing to assist you with meeting APA expectations for written Assignments. To view your graded work, come back to the Dropbox or go to the Gradebook after your instructor has evaluated it. Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted work.
Kaplan University School of Health Sciences
HW320 Unit 9: Final Project
Final Project Grading Rubric = 170 points
Assignment Requirements Points possible Points earned by student
A 3–4 sentence description of three (3) key learning points from each unit.
A list and short description of three (3) websites identified within the Web Resources/Webliography for each unit.
A list and short description of one (1) books/articles/essays/software related to each unit’s topic.
Includes your Unit 2 Assignment with screen shots and write-up of your physical activity and nutrition analysis.
Prepare a 100–150 word summary of the information that you found on their cultural food preferences. Properly cite the website in your write-up.
Total (Sum of points earned) 170
The Proposal is written in the most current version of APA format with no grammatical, spelling, copyright, plagiarism, or proof-reading errors.
Points deducted for spelling, grammar, and/or APA errors.
Adjusted total points earned
Instructor Feedback*:
*Instructor may also leave feedback comments within Assignment submission.
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