Microbiology Introduction Course With Lab
Microbiology for the Health Professions
Credits – 3 (Lecture) 1 (Lab)
This course is designed to meet the microbiology prerequisite for students who are applying for admission to health profession programs. Most students taking this course will have an undergraduate degree and will be in the process of a career change. Online Microbiology is a one-semester course. Â It will emphasize the concepts that are a necessary groundwork for courses the student will take in his/her professional program.
Topics covered in this course include: the history of microbiology, microbial morphology and physiology, bacterial metabolism, genetics, ecology, and the classification of microorganisms, particularly bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Therapeutic agents used to disrupt and control microbial growth are considered and a body systems approach is utilized in the coverage of diseases.
· Microbiology: A Human Perspective Eugene W. Nester et.al., 7th edition
Note: The e-book version of Nester may not be used on any proctored course exam. Textbooks need to be purchased separately and are not part of your registration fee. All course materials are available through our bookstore at http://www.newengland.bkstr.com
Laboratory Components
It is mandatory for students enrolled in the laboratory component of the course to order a lab kit. The kit must be purchased directly through Hands on Labs and cannot be purchased second hand or from another vendor. Students enrolled in lab must complete both parts of every lab – the assigned experiment and the corresponding assignment online – to earn a grade for the lab. The kits must be ordered immediately upon enrollment in order to ensure materials are on hand for the start of the course. Note: Kits can take 5 – 7 business days to arrive. Go to this link: https://www.holscience.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=LOGN
1. ENTER Login: C000384
2. ENTER Password: labpaq
3. Choose LP-2231-MB-02: LabPaq, Microbiology, 11 Labs
4. Review the HOL Return and Refund Policy
Learning Objectives and Outcomes
Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to:
1. Define basic structure/function of microorganisms including prokaryotes, eukaryotes and viruses, with emphasis on their relationships to human disease and treatment modalities
2. Describe the kinetics and patterns of microbial growth, and environmental factors that alter growth
3. Describe key features of microbial genetics, including DNA structure and function, as well as mechanisms of DNA replication, transcription and translation
4. Explain how and why microbial gene expression is regulated, as well as how genetic mutation and DNA transfer mechanisms affect microbial evolution, fitness and pathogenesis
5. Define and compare beneficial versus pathogenic host-microbial interactions
6. Explain fundamental stains, basic staining techniques, and corresponding bacterial and fungal morphology
7. Describe the clinical manifestations associated with common bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic diseases
8. Describe the uses of the various media and metabolic/enzymatic testing protocols
9. Identify bacterial/fungal toxic and invasive factors and their relationship to the pathogenesis of disease
10. Classify the mechanisms of antibiotic (antibacterial/antifungal), antiparasitic, and antiviral activity, as well as resistance strategies employed by target microorganisms
11. Identify the pathogens commonly associated with infections of the skin, eyes, nervous system, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary tract in humans, as well as their modes of pathogenesis and risk factors associated with each type of disease
12. Identify common healthcare-associated (nosocomial) pathogens
13. Identify disease and likely etiology on the basis of patient signs and symptoms, pertinent history, and lab findings
14. Create a case study outline.
Lectures and Laboratories
Our textbook allows students to utilize CONNECT from McGraw-Hill to go through the lecture course material with Learnsmart. This is a good self-assessment tool. The access code for CONNECT may be purchased using a link located within the course homepage in Blackboard.
Laboratory Information:
For the laboratory portion of this course, you will be be purchasing a LabPaq lab kit from the Hands On Labs (HOL). Your instructor will provide you with a link that is unique to your class. You will use this link to create an account and set up your profile and submit your work. Additional directions for Getting Started with HOL can be found in the COURSE INFORMATION section of the course.
Laboratory Assignments
For students enrolled in the laboratory component, most weeks have an associated laboratory assignment. Complete each assignment online using the HOL Online link provided by your instructor.
Using the HOL resource material, your notes, and in some cases outside research, answer all of the questions in each lab exercise. Your answers must be in the form of complete and grammatically correct sentences with proper spelling, grammar, and capitalization. Be mindful of the spelling for bacterial genus and species names (capitalize genus names, lower case for species names, eg., Streptococcus pyogenes). If a question is asking for terms you are not familiar with, be sure to define and understand those before you answer the question. Reference your facts using in-text citations and AMA format for your outside references.
Once you complete the lab, use the text submission field for this assignment in Blackboard to write a message to your instructor to say that you have completed the assignment. This will serve as an alert to your instructor that your assignment is ready to be reviewed and graded.
Chapter Tests, Vocabulary Quizzes, and Unit Exams
Chapter Tests
The chapter tests are multiple-choice and matching. The tests can be accessed by clicking on the link in Blackboard. The chapter tests are open book and are intended to help you review for the unit exams. They are timed and you have three attempts at each test; the questions for each attempt cover the same material, although they may be different. The highest of the three attempt grades will be recorded in the grade book. If you take the test only once, that grade will be recorded in the grade book. To prepare for the chapter tests, complete the readings, view the lecture material, and review using the CONNECT and other study helps posted in the chapter module. Also, review the end-of-chapter questions and other study aides in your textbook. When you are ready, take the test. If you wish, you may review the material and take the test a second or third time.
Module Vocabulary Quizzes
Each module has a 20-term vocabulary quiz. The terms are selected from the chapter vocabulary lists. The quizzes are taken online through the Blackboard site. Each quiz is accessed by clicking on the link in Blackboard. The quizzes are open book and are intended to help you review for the unit exams. To prepare for the vocabulary quizzes read through the lists of terms for each chapter within the module. Fit the terms into the context of the learning objectives for each chapter. The vocabulary quizzes are timed and you have three attempts at each quiz. When you are ready, take the quiz. If you wish, you may review the material and take the quiz a second or third time.
Unit exams
The five unit exams are timed exams (120 minutes) consisting of multiple choice and matching; with all questions graded automatically upon the completion of the unit exam. These unit exams are single-attempt (with no pauses allowed during the 2-hour time frame) and may be taken only once. The unit exams will be available only after all the quizzes, tests and other assessments in the unit are completed. The exams will include topics covered in the textbook, learning objectives, and lectures for each unit. These exams are open notes and open book; however, you should review the material as though you will not have the notes or book available. There will not be time during the exam to look up every answer. Of the 5 unit exams, your 4 highest exams will count toward your final grade (the lowest score will be dropped). NOTE: Do not schedule your unit exams with ProctorU. Only the HOL Laboratory Final Exam (if you are taking the lab) and the lecture Final Exam need to be proctored.
The Microbiology Case Study
You will create a case study for a microbial infection selected from the current pathogen list which your instructor will provide to you. Your case study will be assembled using a detailed rubric. Upon completion, and by a specified due date (within Unit 5), your case study will be submitted using the Blackboard website.
Final Exam
The cumulative BIOL 1020 lecture final is a proctored test so plan for at least a three-hour exam period consisting of multiple choice, matching, and short answer questions. It is open book and open notes; however, no electronic memory devices may be used, including but not limited to the internet, other files on a computer, cell phones, tablet devices, smartphones, e-books, etc.
If you have information you wish to use on the Final Exam, it will have to be printed out or hand-written and there are no exceptions to this policy.
HOL Laboratory Final Exam – For Students Enrolled in the LaboratoryÂ
The cumulative BIOL 1020 laboratory final is a proctored test. Plan for at least a three-hour exam period consisting of multiple choice, matching, and short answer questions. It is open book and open notes; however, no electronic memory devices may be used, including but not limited to the internet, other files on a computer, cell phones, tablet devices, smartphones, e-books, etc.
If you have information you wish to use on the HOL Laboratory Final Exam, it will have to be printed out or hand-writtenand there are no exceptions to this policy.
Discussion Board Posts
Discussion questions cover interesting current events or materials that contribute to a deeper understanding of key concepts and allow you to interact with your classmates and the instructor. Most of the discussion questions are designed to accompany particular chapters (see specific discussion questions for more information). Each question will require you to conduct internet research, read additional materials (a short journal or magazine article), visit a specific webpage, or view a short video. Then you will write a response following the guidelines in the assignment.
To earn full credit:Â you will need to post a response, respond to the original posts of at least two other students, and then contribute to an ongoing discussion. For special cases where one or two students are accelerating faster through the course, the instructor will participate in the discussion so that everyone has the opportunity to interact.
Discussion Question Guidelines
1. Read the assignment carefully so that you are familiar with the materials that you need to cover and how to craft your post.
2. Respect each other’s ideas, feelings, and experience. Some of the questions involve areas of disagreement. Expect your classmates to have different opinions.
3. Use proper writing style. Correct spelling and sentence structure are expected just as if you were writing a regular paper. Use spell check and grammar check before you submit.
4. Write your posting in a word document! That way you can save a copy and use spell check and grammar check.
5. Cite the sources that you use to write your response. Follow the AMA guidelines.
6. Avoid posting large blocks of text. Break your writing into paragraphs and use a space between paragraphs to make your posting easier to read online.
7. Subscribe to the discussion so that you get email updates when there is activity.
8. Use the “reply” button rather than the “compose” button when responding to someone else’s post.
9. When responding to a classmate, address them by name.
10. Do not use postings such as “I agree,” “I don’t know either,” or “ditto.” They do not add to the discussion, take up space on the Discussions, and will not be counted.
11. Everyone benefits from an active discussion. Check back in frequently to see what others are saying.
12. Plan your time carefully. You will need to give your classmates time to respond to your postings. This is an asynchronous class where students will be in different points of the class.
13. Contact your instructor if there are schedule problems or other issues that need to be resolved.
Examinations and Grading Information
For students taking the lecture course only, the final course grade will be determined as follows:
Chapter Tests and Module Vocabulary Quizzes | 20% of the final grade |
5 Unit Exams (drop lowest score; 4 in total) | 20% of the final grade |
Final Exam | 20% of the final grade |
Case Study | 20% of the final grade |
Discussion Boards | 20% of the final grade |
Total Course Grade | 100% |
For students taking the lecture course with the laboratory, your final grade will be determined as follows:
Chapter Tests and Module Vocabulary Quizzes | 20% of the lecture grade |
5 Unit Exams (lowest score is dropped, 4 total) | 20% of the lecture grade |
Final Exam | 20% of the lecture grade |
Case Study | 20% of the lecture grade |
Discussion Boards | 20% of the lecture grade |
Total | 100% of the lecture grade |
12 Laboratory Exercise Assessments
HOL Laboratory Final Exam |
60% of the laboratory grade
40% of the laboratory grade |
Final Grade | |
Lecture Grade | 75% of Final Grade |
Laboratory Grade | 25% of Final Grade |
Total Course Grade | 100% |
A letter grade is assigned according to the scheme below. The final course grade will not be posted until all the quizzes, tests, exams, and case study, are completed. For those students taking the laboratory, all lab exercise assessments and the laboratory Final Exam must be also be submitted.
Grade Scale
Grade | Points Grade | Point Average (GPA) |
A | 94 – 100% | 4.00 |
A- | 90 – 93% | 3.75 |
B+ | 87 – 89% | 3.50 |
B | 84 – 86% | 3.00 |
B- | 80 – 83% | 2.75 |
C+ | 77 – 79% | 2.50 |
C | 74 – 76% | 2.00 |
C- | 70 – 73% | 1.75 |
D | 64 – 69% | 1.00 |
F | 00 – 63% | 0.00 |
Course Outline
Microbiology BIOL 1020
Lecture and Lab Schedule
Unit | Module | Lecture topic | Textbook chapter | HOL Laboratory Exercise |
1. Life and Death of
Microbes |
1 | Humans and the Microbial World | 1 | #1:Â Microbiology Laboratory Preparation |
The Molecules of Life
(Note: There is no lecture or quiz for Chapter 2. You need to be familiar with the topics, but will not be asked specific questions from this chapter on the exam.) |
2 | |||
Microscopy and Prokaryotic Cell Structure | 3 | |||
2 | Dynamics of Prokaryotic Growth | 4 | #2:Â Microscopy for Microbiology | |
Control of Prokaryotic Growth | 5 | |||
3 | Metabolism: Fueling Cell Growth | 6 | #3:Â Aseptic Technique and Culturing Microbes | |
Review for and take the Unit I Exam | ||||
2. Microbial
Genetics and Diversity |
4 | DNA to Proteins | 7 | #4: Bacterial Enumeration – Dilutions and Plate Counts |
Bacterial Genetics | 8 | |||
Biotechnology and Recombinant DNA | 9 | |||
5 | Identification and Classification of Prokaryotic Organisms | 10 | #5:Â Bacterial Morphology and Staining Techniques | |
The Diversity of Prokaryotic Organisms | 11 | |||
The Eukaryotic Members of the Microbial
World |
12 | |||
6 | Viruses, Prions, and Viroids: Infectious Agents of Plants and Animals | 13 | #6: Antibiotic Sensitivity – Kirby Bauer Diffusion Test | |
Review for and take the Unit II Exam | ||||
Unit | Module | Lecture topic | Textbook reading | HOL Laboratory Exercise |
3. Microorganisms
and Humans |
7 | The Innate Immune Response | 14 | #7: Biochemical Testing For Microbial Identification – Methyl Red, Voges-Proskauer, and Catalase |
The Adaptive Immune Response | 15 | |||
8 | Immunological Disorders | 17 | #8: Biochemical Testing For Microbial Identification – Carbohydrate Fermentation Testing | |
Applications of the Immune response | 18 | |||
9 | Host-Microbe Interactions | 16 | #9: Bacterial Identification Through Functional Media – Motility Testing | |
Epidemiology | 19 | |||
10 | Antimicrobial Medications | 20 | #10:Environmental Influences on Microbial Growth – Salt Tolerance and pH Testing | |
Review for and take the Unit III Exam | ||||
4. Infectious
Diseases |
11 | Respiratory Infections | 21 | #11:Â Fomite Transmission |
Skin Infections | 22 | |||
12 | Wound Infections | 23 | #12:Â Food Safety | |
Digestive System Infections | 24 | |||
13 | Genitourinary Infections | 25 | ||
Nervous System Infections | 26 | |||
14 | Blood and Lymphatic System Infections | 27 | HOL Laboratory Final Exam:Â Prepare for the Laboratory Final Exam | |
HIV Disease and Complications of Immunodeficiency | 28 | |||
Schedule your HOL Laboratory Final Exam with ProctorU (at least one week prior to taking the exam)
Review for and take the HOL Laboratory Final Exam Review for and take the Unit IV Exam Request the current pathogen list from your instructor for your Case Study! |
5. Applied
Microbiology |
15 | Microbial Ecology | 29 | |
Environmental Microbiology | 30 | |||
Food Microbiology | 31 | |||
16 | Review for and take the Unit V Exam
Submit your Case Study! |
Schedule your Final Exam with ProctorU (at least one week prior to taking the exam)
Review for and take the Final Exam |
Student Resources
Course Length
A schedule of lectures and assignments is included in this syllabus. This is, however a self-paced course and you can complete the course in less time.
1. Courses in SPHP program are equivalent to one-semester courses designed to be completed in 16 weeks
2. Enrollment in the course begins the day your section opens which is listed in the Academic Calendar found on the Student Success Portal.
3. Course start and end dates are in respect to Eastern Standard Time.
Incomplete Grade Policy
Students are expected to complete all course work by the end date of the course. To view the incomplete grade policy, please click here.
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