Microbiology 200
Microbiology On Line Lecture
Assignments to Chapter 10
Infectious Diseases on Skin
Dr. I. Iliev
I. DISEASE AT GLANCE: Cutaneous Anthrax: Provide full information to following:
Causative Agent:
Virulence Factors:
Portal of Entry:
Signs and Symptoms:
Incubation Period:
II. CLINICAL CASE STUDY: A Painful Rush. Please answer to your best all questions ate the end of this case.
A mother brings her 3 year old daughter to pediatrician describing that the girl has fever and chills for 3 days. The girl also has a large, intensely red patch with a distinct margin on her leg and a nearly swollen lymph node. When the nurse, and later the physician touches the area it is firm and warm, and the girl screams in pain. Based on these observations, doctor makes a presumptive diagnosis and begin treatment.
1. Is it necessary to confirm the diagnosis with lab test? Why or why not?
2. What was the diagnosis? Treatment?
3. How is this case different from impetigo?
4. What is the agent causing this girl’s condition?
5. How may the girl have contracted the condition?
6. What component(s) of the agent stimulated the fever and the lesion?
7. Why is important for doctor to begin immediate treatment?
III. What do we know about Chickenpox and Shingles? Is it viral or bacterial disease? Provide details for the following: cause; virulence factors, portal entry, signs and symptoms, incubation period, treatment and prevention.
IV. CRITICAL THINKING: A week after spending their vacation rafting down Colorado River, all five members of Jones family developed cold sores on their lips. At the local hospital doctor told them that the lesions were caused by a herpesvirus. Both Mr. and Mrs. Jones were stunned: Isn’t true that herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (STD)? How could it have affected their young children?
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