Micro Bio Case Study
Texas Southern University*** Clinical Laboratory Science *** CLSC 369 – Case Studies I
Name: _______________________________________________ Score: ________/50
Case 1:
This organism was isolated from blood-tinged, nasal discharge of a diabetic, 65-year-old male.
Growth was detected after 2 days of incubation at 25ºC on Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA), with no growth on Mycosel agar.
1. Identify this fungus.
2. This fungus belong to the class _____________________
3. This class of fungus has __________ hyphae and an asexual reproductive structure called a ___________________.
4. Macroscopically, this fungus’ colony is described as:
5. This class of fungi is the causative agent of ________________which is associated with infection of the __________________________.
Case 2:
This fungus was isolated from the lung of a 35-year-old female lymphoma patient. Growth was detected after 3 days of incubation at 25ºC on SDA, with no growth on Inhibitory mold agar.
1. Identify this fungus.
2. What test(s) would you performed to identify your named fungus?
3. Microscopic characteristics of this fungus include: _______________________________________________________________________
4. Some species of this genus are the etiologic agents of __________________________
Case 3:
This fungus was isolated from the sputum of a 35-year-old male. A brown colony was detected at 72 hours of incubation at 25ºC on SDA, with no growth on Mycosel agar.
1. Identify this fungus.
2. Microscopic characteristics of this fungus include:
3. Clinically, this fungus is considered to be a/an:
Case 4:
This organism was isolated from an inflamed cornea of a 14-year-old male contact lens wearer.
Growth was detected on SDA on day 3 of incubation at 25ºC with no growth on Mycosel agar.
1. Identify this fungus.
2. Clinically, this fungus is considered to be a/an:
3. A medical student submitted to the laboratory a Mycosel slant inoculated at bedside with corneal scrapings he had collected from a 20-year-old female inpatient. He indicated that the physician was trying to rule out mycotic keratitis. What is the next best step?
Case 5:
Shown is a Periodic-Acid-Schiff (PAS) stain of a lung biopsy from a 58-year-old male who complained of a chronic, productive cough. He smoked two to three packs of cigarettes a day for the last 35-40 years. Upon x-ray, a homogeneous mass was noted in his left lung. The wet preparations are of the organism growth after 12 days of 35ºC incubation.
1. Identify this fungus.
2. The microscopic morphology of this organism’s growth at 25° C characteristically exhibits __________________________________________________________
Case 6:
A 24-year old male forestry student from Washington State developed an infection on
his left third finger, which drained serous fluid. Shortly thereafter he developed painful
hyperpigmented nodules up the dorsal left arm. On examination he had 2 nonfluctant nodules that were palpable along this line. Two pustules were present over the left biceps muscle and no axillary lymphadenopathy was present. A diagnosis of staphylococcal cellulitis was made and the patient was treated without resolution of the lesions. The patient returned home to Rochester, Minnesota and went directly to St. Mary’s Hospital Emergency Department. A history of handling sphagnum moss was given by the patient. A nodule was aspirated and the exudate sent for culture. The patient was placed on itraconazole therapy and sent home.
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1. Identify this fungus.
2. Describe the characteristics, macroscopic and microscopic morphology of the fungus growth at 25° C.
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