Human Monkey Chimera
I will be attaching an article and another word file for questions to answer. please answer those questions with an expanded explanation. and this work is due tomorrow. thanks
- Review: Chimeric contribution of human extended pluripotent stem cells to monkey embryos ex vivo by Tan et. Al. 2021
1. Describe the basic process for making a chimera (graphical abstract). What are some additional changes the research could try? (limitations of the study).
2. How long were the embryos monitored after chimera formation, which was at 6 days post fertilization (d.p.f.). What was the relative survival rate?
3. Why are scientists doing this type of work / what is the purpose?
4. Did the researchers follow proper guidelines, support your answer (go past the references to the additional material).
5. In your opinion should this type of research be continued, why or why not.
The following links discuss issues brought up by this research.
Chimeric contribution of human extended pluripotent stem cells to monkey embryos ex vivo
Graphical abstract
d Generation of human-monkey chimeric embryos ex vivo with
d hEPSCs differentiated into hypoblast and epiblast lineages
d scRNA-seq analyses revealed developmental trajectories of
human and monkey cells
d The approach may allow for enhancing chimerism between
evolutionarily distant species
Tan et al., 2021, Cell 184, 2020–2032 April 15, 2021 ª 2021 Elsevier Inc.
Tao Tan, Jun Wu, Chenyang Si, …,
Weizhi Ji, Yuyu Niu,
Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte
Correspondence (T.T.), (J.W.), (W.J.), (Y.N.), (J.C.I.B.)
In brief
Human cells, in the form of extended
pluripotent stem cells, have the ability to
contribute to both embryonic and extra-
embryonic lineages in ex-vivo-cultured
monkey embryos.
Chimeric contribution of human extended pluripotent stem cells to monkey embryos ex vivo Tao Tan,1,4,* Jun Wu,2,4,5,* Chenyang Si,1,4 Shaoxing Dai,1,4 Youyue Zhang,1,4 Nianqin Sun,1 E Zhang,1 Honglian Shao,1
Wei Si,1 Pengpeng Yang,1 Hong Wang,1 Zhenzhen Chen,1 Ran Zhu,1 Yu Kang,1 Reyna Hernandez-Benitez,2
Llanos Martinez Martinez,3 Estrella Nuñez Delicado,3 W. Travis Berggren,2 May Schwarz,2 Zongyong Ai,1 Tianqing Li,1
Concepcion Rodriguez Esteban,2 Weizhi Ji,1,* Yuyu Niu,1,* and Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte2,6,* 1State Key Laboratory of Primate Biomedical Research, Institute of Primate Translational Medicine, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming, Yunnan 650500, China 2Gene Expression Laboratory, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA 3Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM), Campus de los Jerónimos, No 135 12, Guadalupe 30107, Spain 4These authors contributed equally 5Present address: Department of Molecular Biology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX 75390, USA 6Lead contact
*Correspondence: (T.T.), (J.W.), (W.J.), (Y.N.), (J. C.I.B.)
Interspecies chimera formation with human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) represents a necessary alternative to evaluate hPSC pluripotency in vivo and might constitute a promising strategy for various regenerative medicine applications, including the generation of organs and tissues for transplantation. Studies using mouse and pig embryos suggest that hPSCs do not robustly contribute to chimera formation in species evolutionarily distant to humans. We studied the chimeric competency of human extended pluripotent stem cells (hEPSCs) in cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis) embryos cultured ex vivo. We demonstrate that hEPSCs survived, proliferated, and generated several peri- and early post-implantation cell lineages in- side monkey embryos. We also uncovered signaling events underlying interspecific crosstalk that may help shape the unique developmental trajectories of human and monkey cells within chimeric embryos. These re- sults may help to better understand early human development and primate evolution and develop strategies to improve human chimerism in evolutionarily distant species.
Pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) are capable of indefinite self-
renewal in culture and generating all adult cell types (De Los An-
geles et al., 2015; Hackett and Surani, 2014; Rossant and Tam,
2017; Wu and Izpisua Belmonte, 2016). PSCs have recently been
harnessed for interspecies organogenesis via blastocyst
complementation, a technique that holds potential to provide
large quantities of in-vivo-generated human cells, tissues, and
organs for regenerative medicine applications, including organ
transplantation (Suchy and Nakauchi, 2018; Wu et al., 2016).
One of the requirements for successful interspecies blastocyst
complementation with human PSCs (hPSCs) is their ability to
contribute to chimera formation. The chimeric competency of
hPSCs has been systematically tested in several animal species
(Wu et al., 2016), but despite sustained efforts from different lab-
oratories, the general consensus is that hPSCs do not consis-
tently and robustly contribute to chimera formation when the
host animal has a high evolutionary distance from humans
(e.g., mice and pigs; Wu et al., 2016, 2017). This is the case
2020 Cell 184, 2020–2032, April 15, 2021 ª 2021 Elsevier Inc.
even when human cell apoptosis is inhibited (Das et al., 2020;
Huang et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2018). Xenogeneic barriers be-
tween hPSCs and evolutionarily distant host animal species
have been suggested to account for limited chimerism (Wu
et al., 2016, 2017), though the use of hPSCs for chimera studies
in host species evolutionarily close to humans remains unex-
plored to date.
Cultured PSCs reflect the continuum of pluripotency that is
seen in vivo, and different cell culture formulations result in
distinct pluripotency states in vitro (Morgani et al., 2017; Smith,
2017; Weinberger et al., 2016). hPSCs in different pluripotency
states exhibit distinct transcriptional, epigenetic, and metabolic
features. They also differ in their chimeric potential when intro-
duced into animal embryos (De Los Angeles, 2019; Harvey
et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2018). Recently, we and others identi-
fied human extended PSCs (hEPSCs) that demonstrated
improved chimeric capability in mouse conceptuses (Gao
et al., 2019; Yang et al., 2017b). To date, however, the chimeric
competency of hEPSCs has not been determined in other
ll Article
Leveraging a recently developed culture system that enables
cynomolgus monkey (monkey for short) embryos to develop
up to 20 days ex vivo (Ma et al., 2019; Niu et al., 2019), we per-
formed microinjection of hEPSCs into monkey blastocysts and
examined their contribution to cultured monkey embryos at
different time points (Figure 1A). We found that hEPSCs could
integrate into the inner cell masses (ICMs) of late monkey blasto-
cysts and contributed to both embryonic and extra-embryonic
lineages in peri- and early post-implantation stages during pro-
longed embryo culture. We also determined the differentiation
trajectory of hEPSCs within cultured monkey embryos by sin-
gle-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) analysis.
Generation of human-monkey chimeric blastocysts in vitro
To determine the chimera competency of hPSCs in a closely
related non-human primate species, we used a well-character-
ized hEPSC line generated by cellular reprogramming, iPS1-
EPSCs, which demonstrated improved chimerism in embryonic
day 10.5 (E10.5) mouse conceptuses over other reported hPSCs
(Yang et al., 2017b). Consistent with the previous report, iPS1-
EPSCs exhibited a dome-shaped colony morphology and ex-
pressed the core pluripotency transcription factors OCT4,
NANOG, and SOX2 (Figure S1A). To generate human-monkey
chimeric embryos, early blastocysts from cynomolgus monkeys
(6 days post-fertilization [d.p.f.6]) were injected with 25 iPS1-
EPSCs labeled with tdTomato (TD). Injected embryos were first
cultured to the late blastocyst stage (d.p.f.7) for analysis. The
proliferation of hEPSCs within monkey blastocysts was evident
(Video S1). In total, TD+ iPS1-EPSCs were detected in all
d.p.f.7 monkey blastocysts (100%, n = 132) (Figure S1B).
Chimeric contribution of hEPSCs to peri- and post- implantation monkey embryos We next took advantage of a recently established prolonged em-
bryo culture system that supports ex vivo primate (human and
monkey) embryogenesis to the gastrulation stage (Deglincerti
et al., 2016; Ma et al., 2019; Niu et al., 2019; Shahbazi et al.,
2016; Xiang et al., 2020; Zhou et al., 2019). In this embryo culture
system, the zona pellucida is removed and the denuded blasto-
cysts are allowed to attach to the culture dish for further develop-
ment. We used this system to trace the fate of hEPSCs in
monkey embryos at peri- and post-implantation stages. Similar
to noninjected controls (92.31%, n = 104) (Niu et al., 2019),
most embryos injected with hEPSCs attached at approximately
d.p.f.10 (92.79%, n = 111). After attachment, the injected em-
bryos continued to grow, and an embryonic disc became visible
at approximately d.p.f.11 as seen with controls (Figure 1B). TD+
human cells were found in the embryonic disc of more than half
of the injected embryos at d.p.f. 9, but this ratio progressively
declined at approximately one-third by d.p.f.13 (Figure 1C). To
determine whether introduced hEPSCs may affect embryo
development, we evaluated and compared the developmental
status of injected and control embryos (Niu et al., 2019). We
found that the developmental ratios of injected embryos were
slightly lower than that of controls (Figure 1D). Furthermore,
similar to controls, the developmental ratios of injected embryos
dropped sharply at approximately d.p.f.15, which may reflect the
limitation of the 2D attachment embryo culture system
(Figure 1D).
To study the developmental potential of hEPSCs in monkey
embryos, we performed immunofluorescence (IF) studies using
antibodies specific for several embryonic and extra-embryonic
lineages. Analyses were performed between d.p.f.9 and
d.p.f.19. At the peri-implantation stage (d.p.f.9), on average,
10.2 ± 7.2 (n = 9) iPS1-EPSCs were found incorporated into
the ICM (the number of TD+OCT4+ cells found within or close
to NANOG+ or OCT4+ monkey cells) (Figure 2A). Although these
cells expressed OCT4, only a few of them expressed NANOG
(Figure S1C). Supporting their epiblast (EPI)-like identity, we
did not observe GATA6 (a hypoblast [HYP] marker) expression
in these cells (Figure S1C). In addition, TD+GATA4+ HYP-like
cells were also detected (Figure 2B). In contrast to the results re-
ported in mice (Yang et al., 2017b), only a few iPS1-EPSCs were
detected in the trophectoderm (TE) layer of monkey blastocysts
and expressed TE (TE or trophoblast) marker genes (e.g.,
TFAP2C and CK7) (Figure 2C).
At d.p.f.11, TD+OCT4+cells were also detected in the EPI layer
of monkey embryos, and these cells rarely expressed T+ (also
known as Brachyury), a marker of gastrulation. By contrast, T+
monkey cells were detected at the dorsal amnion of the embryos
(Figure 2D). In addition, TD+ human cells expressing a HYP
marker, platelet-derived growth factor receptor-alpha
(PDGFRa), were found intermingled within monkey HYP cells
(Figure 2E). OCT4+ human cells expressing COL6A1, a marker
of extra-embryonic mesenchyme cells (EXMCs), were found
outside of the EPI layer, suggesting ongoing differentiation of
hEPSCs toward EXMCs (Figure S1D). At d.p.f.13, hEPSCs
were detected beneath the EPI layer and expressed an endo-
derm marker, SOX17, suggesting that they have initiated gastru-
lation (Figure 2F). Interestingly, we found that from d.p.f.13
onward human cells tended to group together and segregate
from the monkey EPI layer. These human cells appeared to un-
dergo differentiation into gastrulating cells as evidenced by the
gained expression of OTX2 (Martyn et al., 2018; Vincent et al.,
2003) while maintaining OCT4 expression (Figure S1E). Overall,
we found that hEPSCs exhibited reasonable contribution to the
EPI (with the highest contribution of 7.08% observed at
d.p.f.15), relatively lower contribution to the HYP (with the high-
est contribution of 4.96% observed at d.p.f.19), and limited
contribution to the TE in peri- and post-implantation monkey em-
bryos (Figure 2G).
Transcriptional landscape of human-monkey chimeric embryos To further delineate the developmental trajectory of human-
monkey chimeric embryos, scRNA-seq analysis was carried
out to profile the transcriptomes of human and monkey cells at
different developmental stages. Following embryo dissociation,
single human (TD+) and monkey (TD�) cells were manually collected using fluorescence microscopy and subjected to
scRNA-seq. In total, we sequenced 227 human and 302 monkey
cells isolated from chimeric embryos at different time points dur-
ing ex vivo culture (d.p.f.9–d.p.f.17; Table S2). TD expression and
Cell 184, 2020–2032, April 15, 2021 2021
Figure 1. Generation and developmental capability of human-monkey ex-vivo chimeras
(A) Schematic of the generation and analyses of chimeric embryos derived from blastocyst injection of hEPSCs (created with hEPSCs, human
extended pluripotent stem cells; EPI, epiblast; HYP, hypoblast; TE, trophectoderm; EXMC, extra-embryonic mesenchyme cell; GAS, gastrulating cell; IF,
(B) Representative bright-field images of hEPSC-injected monkey embryos cultured in vitro until d.p.f.19 (n = 111 embryos for d.p.f.9; n = 91 embryos for d.p.f.11;
n = 60 embryos for d.p.f.13; n = 38 embryos for d.p.f.15; n = 12 embryos for d.p.f.17 and n = 3 embryos for d.p.f.19). Scale bar, 100 mm. Yellow dotted lines indicate
ICM (d.p.f.9) or embryonic disc (d.p.f.11 to d.p.f.19).
(C) Histogram showing the percentages of host monkey embryos containing human cells within ICM or embryonic disc (yellow dotted lines in B).
(D) Dynamics of developmental ratios of chimeric (n = 126, d.p.f.8) and non-chimeric monkey embryos (n = 104, data from Niu et al., 2019). Embryos without clear
embryonic disc structure and/or appear dead were excluded from the analysis.
See also Figure S1 and Video S1.
2022 Cell 184, 2020–2032, April 15, 2021
Figure 2. hEPSCs contribute to chimera
formation in peri- and post-implantation
monkey embryos
(A) Representative IF images showing integration
of TD-positive hEPSCs into ICM of host monkey
embryos at d.p.f.9 (n = 7). The embryos were
stained for OCT4 (green) and NANOG (gray). Scale
bar, 250 mm. Bottom, enlargements of the insert
(white dotted line) in the top panel. Arrows indicate
TD-positive hEPSCs expressing OCT4 and
NANOG. Yellow dotted line indicates ICM. Scale
bar, 50 mm.
(B) Representative IF images showing hEPSCs
differentiated into HYP-like cells within host
monkey embryos at d.p.f.9. The embryos were
stained for GATA4 (gray) and NANOG (green).
Scale bar, 250 mm. Bottom, enlargements of the
insert (white dotted line) in the top panel. Arrow
indicates a TD-positive hEPSC expressing
GATA4. Yellow dotted line indicates ICM. Scale
bar, 100 mm.
(C) Representative IF images showing integration
of TD-positive hEPSCs into TE of host monkey
embryos at d.p.f.9 (n = 3). The embryos were
stained for TFAP2C (gray) and CK7 (green). Scale
bar, 100 mm. Bottom, enlargements of the insert
(white dotted line) in the top panel. Arrow indicates
a TD-positive hEPSC expressing TFAP2C and
CK7. Scale bar, 50 mm.
(D) Representative IF images showing incorporation
of hEPSCs into EPI of host monkey embryo at
d.p.f.11 (n = 3). The embryos were stained for T
(gray) and OCT4 (green). Scale bar, 250 mm. Bot-
tom: enlargements of inserts (white dotted line) in
the top panel. Notably, hEPSCs rarely express T
(arrow), a marker of mesoderm, whereas the
expression of T is detected in monkey cells
(arrowhead). Yellow dotted line indicates EPI. Scale
bar, 25 mm.
(E) Expression of HYP marker, PDGFRa, in hEPSCs
at d.p.f.11 (n = 2). The embryos were stained for
PDGFRa (green). Scale bar, 50 mm. Bottom: en-
largements of the insert (white dotted line) in the top
panel. Arrow indicates a tdTomato-positive hEPSC
expressing PDGFRa. Yellow dotted line indicates
EPI. Scale bar, 10 mm.
(F) IF images of sections of monkey embryos at
d.p.f.13 (n = 5) staining for SOX17 (green).
Arrows indicate tdTomato-positive hEPSCs expressing SOX17. Scale bar, 50 mm. Yellow dotted line indicates EPI.
(G) Levels of chimerism of hEPSCs within EPI, HYP, and TE. EPI cells expressed only OCT4, and HYP cells expressed GATA6 and/or GATA4, whereas TE expressed
CK7 (a total of 25 embryos and 17,938 cells were analyzed). EPI, epiblast; HYP, hypoblast; TE, trophectoderm; TD, tdTomato; DAPI, 40,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. See also Figure S1.
ll Article
the ratio of reads mapped to the human or cynomolgus monkey
genomes were used to further confirm each cell’s species of
origin (Figures S2A and S2B). After stringent filtering, 200 human
and 272 monkey cells were used for further analyses (Table S2).
On average, 9,798 genes (transcripts per million [TPM] > 0) and
27,936,953 reads were detected per cell. There was no statistical
difference in the number of genes and reads detected between
human and monkey cells (Figure S2C). For comparison, we
also included published scRNA-seq datasets containing cells
from monkey and human embryos in the analyses (Nakamura
et al., 2016; Niu et al., 2019; Xiang et al., 2020; Zhou et al.,
2019). To avoid batch-specific systematic variations of scRNA-
seq caused by integration of different datasets, we used an ‘‘an-
chors’’ method that is recommended for batch-effect removal
(Stuart et al., 2019) (Figure S2C).
We first performed t-distributed stochastic neighbor embed-
ding (t-SNE) analysis on the scRNA-seq datasets. Based on
the expression of known lineage markers, we identified four ma-
jor cell clusters that were present in all samples (both chimeric
and control embryos): EPI, HYP, TE, and EXMC (Figures 3A,
3B, and S2D). These cells also expressed lineage-specific
markers that showed conservation between humans and
Cell 184, 2020–2032, April 15, 2021 2023
B Figure 3. Transcriptional landscape of hu- man-monkey chimeric embryos
(A) t-SNE plot of cells from chimeric and control
non-chimeric embryos. Cells were identified as
EPI, HYP, TE, and EXMC. Cells were colored by
different species origins and datasets.
(B) Expression of lineage-specific marker genes of
EPI, HYP, and TE exhibited on t-SNE plots. A
gradient of gray, yellow, and red indicates low to
high expression.
(C) The phylogenetic tree shows the cluster of EPI,
HYP, and TE cells from chimeric embryos at
different stages (d.p.f.9, 11, 13, 15, and 17). Cells
are highlighted by species origins (human or
monkey), different stages (d.p.f.9, 11, 13, 15, and
17), and different cell types (EPI, HYP, and TE).
(D) Bar plot showing the distribution of cells from
different origins in the four lineages (EPI, EXMC,
HYP, and TE). EPI, epiblast; HYP, hypoblast; TE,
trophectoderm; EXMC, extra-embryonic mesen-
chyme cell.
See also Figure S2 and Table S2.
ll Article
monkeys identified in a previous study (Figure S2E) (Zhou et al.,
2019). The presence of these cell types in chimeric embryos sug-
gests that the development of host embryos was by and large
unaffected by the injected hEPSCs (Ma et al., 2019; Niu et al.,
2019), which is consistent with the morphological analysis
(Figures 1B and 1D). Interestingly, phylogenetic tree analysis
(based on gene expression levels) revealed that while most mon-
key cells within chimeric embryos (chimeric monkey cells for
short) segregated into distinct cell-type-specific clusters (EPI,
HYP, and TE), chimeric human HYP- and TE-like cells clustered
with EPI-like cells (Figure 3C). Thus, it seems that the chimeric
monkey cells exhibited a more faithful lineage segregation than
the introduced hEPSCs. In agreement with IF results, very few
human TE-like cells were identified in the scRNA-seq data (Fig-
ures 3A and 3D) and were therefore excluded from subsequent
analyses. Together, these results demonstrate that hEPSCs
can differentiate into several peri- and early post-implantation
cell types after being introduced into monkey early blastocysts
followed by ex vivo embryo culture.
Transcriptome dynamics of hEPSCs during human- monkey chimera development We next investigated the transcriptional kinetics of chimeric hu-
man and monkey cells. We first constructed a force-directed K-
nearest neighbor graph (SPRING) (Weinreb et al., 2018) based on
transcriptomic properties of all cells (see STAR Methods). All
cells bifurcated into three branches: EPI, HYP, and TE (Fig-
ure 4A). The correlations of gene expression patterns between
chimeric and control (human and monkey) embryos were deter-
2024 Cell 184, 2020–2032, April 15, 2021
mined (Figure 4B). Similar correlation co-
efficients were obtained when chimeric
human cells were compared to control
human (0.460) or monkey (0.459) cells
(Figure 4B, right panels). Intriguingly,
when compared to control embryos,
chimeric monkey cells exhibited higher
correlation coefficients than chimeric human cells (Figure 4B,
left panels). We next generated lineage-specific correlation
matrices. We found that chimeric human EPI-like cells were
similar to EPI cells in human embryos, whereas chimeric human
HYP- and EXMC-like cells shared the highest correlation coeffi-
cients with chimeric monkey HYP cells and EXMCs, respectively
(Figure 4C). Of note, we also found that chimeric monkey EPI
cells and EXMCs more resembled chimeric than control human
cells. Interestingly, chimeric human EPI-like cells were found to
gradually gravitate toward the chimeric monkey EPI cells, with
R2 values increasing from 0.363 (pre-implantation EPI [Pre_EPI])
to 0.464 (post-implantation late EPI [PostL_EPI]) and then to
0.693 (gastrulating [Gast] cells) (Figure 4C). Taken together,
these results demonstrate that the monkey embryonic microen-
vironment exerts influence on the transcriptional states of human
cells and vice versa.
As monkey cells exhibited transcriptomic changes in the pres-
ence of human cells, we next sought to delineate the develop-
mental dynamics of monkey cells within chimeric embryos. We
first identified differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between
chimeric and control monkey embryos. Comparisons of EPI
cells, HYP cells, and EXMCs revealed that 424, 7, and 241 genes
were downregulated, whereas 5, 2, and 13 genes were upregu-
lated, respectively, in cells from chimeric compared to control
embryos, although the expression levels of lineage marker genes
remained comparable (Figures 4D and S3A). Gene Ontology
(GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG)
enrichment analyses identified a number of signaling pathways
that were up- and downregulated in chimeric monkey EPI cells,
(legend on next page)
Cell 184, 2020–2032, April 15, 2021 2025
ll Article
HYP cells, and EXMCs. For example, the Hippo and transforming
growth factor b (TGF-b) signaling pathways were downregulated
in chimeric monkey EPI cells and EXMCs (Figure 4E),
Having shown that the transcriptomic profiles of monkey EPI
cells were altered in chimeric embryos, we next investigated
whether the monkey EPI embryonic niche was also affected by
human cells. To this end, CellPhoneDB (v2.0.1) (Vento-Tormo
et al., 2018) was applied to identify potential cellular interactions
between EPI and other lineages (HYP and EXMC) in both
chimeric and control embryos (see STAR Methods). We sought
to identify interactions that were specific to chimeric or control
embryos. We found more ligand-receptor interactions in
chimeric embryos when compared to control embryos (e.g.,
117 [chimeric] versus 10 [control] specific ligand-receptor inter-
actions were detected in monkey EPI cells) (Figures 4F and S3B;
Table S3). KEGG analysis was performed to reveal specific
signaling pathways that were enriched within chimeric and
control embryos. We found several signaling pathways (e.g.,
phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase [PI3K]-Akt and mitogen-activated
protein kinase [MAPK] signaling pathways) that were strength-
ened in chimeric embryos and new signaling pathways (e.g.,
WNT signaling pathway) that were specifically enriched in
chimeric embryos (Figure 4G). Using the same method, we
also determined human and monkey cell-cell interactions within
chimeric embryos and identified distinct ligand-receptor interac-
tions in EPI cells, such as FGF5-FGFR4, NOTCH4-JAG2,
WNT2B-FZD4, WISP3-SORL1, and PLXNB2-PTN (Figures S3C
and S3D; Table S3). Taken together, our results suggest that
cell-cell interactions are reinforced within the chimeric embryos
and potentially lead to activation of additional signaling
Chimeric human EPI-like cells display a distinct developmental trajectory EPI development is characterized by pluripotency transitions that
may exhibit different dynamics between species. As proper EPI
specification and differentiation are critical for chimera formation
and development, we examined the lineage allocation of human
EPI-like cells within the chimeric embryos and compared it with
the datasets of in-vitro-cultured human and monkey embryos
Figure 4. Developmental trajectory of human-monkey chimeric embry
(A) The differentiation trajectory of chimeric cells and control non-chimeric cells
colored by cell lineages.
(B) Overall similarity under the four comparisons (chimera-monkey versus control
versus control non-chimeric human [‘‘Chimera-Human vs. Control-Human’’], c
Control-Monkey’’], and chimera-human versus control non-chimeric monkey [‘‘C
(C) Heatmap of the correlation coefficients among different cell origins under cor
(D) Histogram showing the numbers of DEGs for different lineages (EPI, HYP, and
embryos. The red and blue colors represent up- and down-regulated genes, res
(E) GO and KEGG enrichment analyses of the DEGs in (D). Red and blue represen
(F) The Venn diagrams showing the overlap of the ligand-receptor interactions bet
non-chimeric (Control-Monkey) monkey cells.
(G) Comparison of KEGG pathways enriched by the specific interactions betwee
cells in (F). EPI, epiblast; EXMC, extra-embryonic mesenchyme cell; HYP, hypobla
gastrulating cell; DEG, differentially expressed gene.
See also Figure S3 and Table S3.
2026 Cell 184, 2020–2032, April 15, 2021
(Nakamura et al., 2016; Niu et al., 2019; Zhou et al., 2019). Human
EPI-like cells were identified at pre-implantation, post-implanta-
tion, and gastrulating stages, and at each stage, they expressed
distinct markers (Figures 5A and S4A–S4C). A Sankey diagram
also showed the same developmental dynamics of human EPI-
like cells (Figure S4D). We next determined the relationship be-
tween hEPSCs (Yang et al., 2017b), chimeric human EPI-like
cells, EPI cells from control human and monkey embryos (Niu
et al., 2019; Zhou et al., 2019), and human and monkey PSCs
(primed and naive) (Chan et al., 2013; Chen et al., 2015; Gafni
et al., 2013; Theunissen et al., 2014). We observed that hEPSCs
were more similar to early post-implantation EPI (PostE_EPI)
and PostL_EPI cells from human and monkey embryos, respec-
tively, as well as human and monkey naive PSCs. Chimeric hu-
man PostL_EPI-like cells showed higher correlation coefficients
to primed PSCs than naive PSCs (Figure S4E). To further investi-
gate the transcriptional kinetics of hEPSCs (Yang et al., 2017b),
chimeric humanEPI-like cells, andhost monkeyEPI cells, we per-
formed RNA velocity (La Manno et al., 2018) and Slingshot ana-
lyses (Street et al., 2018) (Figure 5B). We observed two distinct
patterns of RNA velocity vectors; chimeric human PostL_EPI-
like cells bore long vectors, and gastrulating-like cells bore short
vectors. In contrast, host monkey PostL_EPI cells lacked long
vectors, and gastrulating cells bore long vectors (Figure 5B, left
two panels). These results imply that development is delayed
for chimeric human EPI-like cells. Slingshot analysis revealed
that after injection into monkey blastocysts, hEPSCs followed
the EPSC to PostL_EPI to gastrulation developmental trajectory
(Figure 5B, right panel). To further delineate the developmental
trajectory of chimeric human EPI-like cells, we mapped all EPI-
related human and monkey reads to a consensus genome and
aligned EPI development trajectories between species using a
previously reported method (Kanton et al., 2019). In agreement
with the RNA velocity analysis, we found that chimeric human
EPI-like cells differentiated more slowly than EPI cells from host
monkey, control monkey, and human embryos (Figure 5C). These
results suggest that the specification and/or differentiation of
hEPSCs toward the EPI lineages was less efficient than embry-
onic cells.
As mentioned above, global transcriptional profiles of chimeric
human EPI-like cells more resembled monkey EPI cells within the
. The differentiation trajectory was reconstructed using SPRING. Cells were
non-chimeric human [‘‘Chimera-Monkey vs. Control-Human’’], chimera-human
himera-monkey versus control non-chimeric monkey [‘‘Chimera-Monkey vs.
himera-Human vs. Control-Monkey’’]). Cells are colored by cell origins.
responding lineages (EPI, EXMC, HYP, Pre_EPI, PostL_EPI, and Gast).
EXMC) in the host monkey cells compared to cells from control non-chimeric
t enrichment p values (�log10 transformed) for up- and downregulated DEGs,
ween EPI-EPI, EPI-HYP, and EPI-EXMC in host (Chimera-Monkey) and control
n host (Chimera-Monkey) and control non-chimeric (Control-Monkey) monkey
st; Pre_EPI, pre-implantation EPI; PostL_EPI, post-implantation late EPI; Gast,
Figure 5. Developmental trajectory of chimeric human EPI-like cells within monkey embryos
(A) t-SNE plot of EPI cells at different sublineages. Cells are colored by cell origins and designated as ICM, Pre_EPI, PostE_EPI, PostL_EPI, and Gast. Cells of
‘‘Control-Human 1’’ derive from dataset ‘‘Human-1’’ (Zhou et al., 2019). Cells of ‘‘Control-Monkey 1’’ derive from dataset ‘‘Monkey-1’’ (Niu et al., 2019). Cells of
‘‘Control-Monkey 2’’ derive from dataset ‘‘Monkey-2’’ (Nakamura et al., 2016). Lower right: single cells are colored according to embryonic stages.
(B) RNA velocity analysis of chimeric human (chimera-human) and host monkey (chimera-monkey) cells, respectively (left two panels). The amplitude and di-
rection of the vector reflects a transcriptional trajectory. Slingshot analysis of chimeric human EPI-like cells and hEPSCs (third panel). The curves and arrows
indicate the potential development trajectory. Cells are colored by cell lineages.
(C) Pseudotime alignment between control and chimeric cells. Left and right panels show the pseudotime alignment of chimeric cells with control human and host
monkey cells, respectively.
(legend continued on next page)
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