
Devereaux-Deering Group Dashing to catch a cab at the corner of Sixth and Vine, the account team was exhilarated. After a quick exchange of high fives, three of the four jumped into the backseat of a cab to return to the Manhattan offices of Devereaux-Deering, a global advertising agency with offices in New York, Hong Kong, and Paris. The team couldn’t wait to tell their team leader, Kurt Lansing, that they had won the BMW account that morning. The fourth team member, Brad Fitzgerald, stood apart from the animated group, studying his BlackBerry and then hailing a cab for an afternoon flight out of LaGuardia. After a two-year slump in sales, Devereaux-Deering needed a big score like the BMW account. To drive new business and land high-profile accounts like this one, the company had hired Kurt Lansing, an MBA from Wharton, with prominent status in the advertising industry. His job was to lead a new business team to study the market, develop strategies, and acquire major accounts. Lansing hand-selected four high achievers for his team that represented each area of the business: Brad Fitzgerald, creative director; Trish Roderick, account services; Adrienne Walsh, production manager; and Tyler Green, brand strategy. “That was a shocker!” said Roderick as she scooted across the backseat of the cab to make room for her teammates. “The client didn’t seem too impressed with our presentation until Fitzgerald presented the last set of slides describing the global campaign. They loved it. I think he single-handedly clinched the deal when he presented the tag line for the Asian market,” she said excitedly. “He’s a real whiz, alright,” muttered Green.” The eighth wonder of the world.” Sighing deeply and losing his earlier exuberance, Green said, “We couldn’t have bagged the deal without him, and I know we’ll all get credit. But none of us knew he planned to present that last part of the global campaign. I know he was working on that tag line late last night, but there was plenty of time this morning to get team input on it. I hate surprises in front of the client. I felt like a fool, even if we did win the business.” “He’s a regular white knight’” chuckled Walsh, “riding in at the last minute to save the day. I suppose we should appreciate him, but he’s just so irritating. He snapped at me last week for not telling him about a client who was upset about delays in their ad campaign. I reminded him that I had told him about it in our status meeting, but he wasn’t listening at the time. He was glued to his precious BlackBerry, as usual. Why have team meetings if he isn’t going to participate?” Roderick was surprised by her teammates’ reaction to Fitzgerald. She thought they had been working well together. She was quickly discovering, however, an undercurrent of resentment. This was the first time that she had been exposed to the conflict that was simmering below the surface. No doubt, Fitzgerald did have a strong ego and aggressive personality. A previously successful entrepreneur, Fitzgerald had a track record of success and was very ambitious. However, she did notice that he didn’t show respect for differing opinions or invite collaboration on ideas. She wondered if he was placing his own success above his team’s. But why complain if the team was sharing the credit and earning fat bonuses along with him? She was content to go with the status quo. “You know,” she said, “we’re darn lucky to be on his team.” She stared out the cab window at the passing traffic and listening to her two teammates continue to grouse. “I should have known something was up when I walked past his office last night and saw him working with the new copywriter. They must have been hashing out the new tag line,” smirked Green. “We are a team, aren’t we? The system is bigger than the individual, remember? He doesn’t seem too concerned about the welfare of the team – only his own.” “Well, let’s all have a heart-to-heart with Mr. Whiz,” said Walsh sarcastically. “I’m sure he’ll see things our way. We’ll give him a brief overview of Teamwork 101. That will go over great!” As the cab pulled to the curb, they tossed the driver a $20 bill and headed to their offices on the 40th floor. They would all stop to see the team leader, Kurt Lansing, first. In the meantime, Lansing smiled broadly when he received Fitzgerald’s text message that they had won the BMW account. Sinking back in his chair, he marveled at the cohesiveness and success of his team. All that time building a shared vision and building trust was starting to pay off. Questions 1. What factors do you think are affecting this team’s cohesiveness? Explain. 2. If you were the team leader, what could you do to bring Fitzgerald into the team more and foster better relationships among the team members? 3. As a team member, what would you do? Should the three members of the team confront Fitzgerald with their concerns? Should they inform Kurt Lansing? Explain your answer.

i need each question answer with 300 words please.

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e-Commerce Project: As an international e-Commerce firm consultant your are given a consulting opportunity by a well-known company [Target] with an online business presence. Your client gave you the task to research B2B and B2C business opportunities in previously unserved markets. —> ***PLEASE TYPE YOUR ANSWER*** <—

• You are required to investigate 4 countries (India, South Africa, Brazil, and Switzerland) for their suitability to create B2B and/or B2C opportunities.

• Your client is willing to make a major marketing push into the countries you advice involving language specific and culturally sensitive TV, radio, print, and internet advertising to announce their business into their countries.

• Long term, the company is prepared to make the necessary investments in warehousing, local storefronts for B2C and data networks and facilities for B2B opportunities.

Your job is to present a case recommending which countries, to expand service, and in what order to service them.

—> Include in your recommendation and insights on the following: <—
1. Issues regarding political economy and economic progress for each country. Consider any relevant information about in economic, political, and legal systems.
2. Issues related to market. That is, whether a market exists for your client’s products, and how/why e-Commerce is a better option than other entry modes.
3. Production and supply chain issues/advantages with recommendations about whether to develop warehouse facilities in the country and why. If developing warehouse facilities is recommended, provide advice on whether to invest in a greenfield development, acquire a company in the host country, opt for a joint venture or lease warehouse location.
4. Include in your discussion factors such as shipping costs, local infrastructure, availability of labor and other resources, suggested organizational structure and localization requirements.
5. You might find all, some, or all countries suitable or unsuitable in either B2B or B2C, or both. The purpose is to investigate each country’s suitability and provide recommendations based on the above criterion.

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A local retail store, XYZ Depot, has reached out to you asking what it can do to increase its security measures, since it is experiencing an increase in thefts lately.

In order to make such a determination you need a comparison point to see what other retail stores do to implement their security measures. Review the article and video below to observe, identify, and examine the retail store’s security measures. As you review, reflect on ways the store’s security measures are put into place and what the store does to prevent theft.


Prepare a professional memo to XYZ Depot.

  • Illustrate the security measures you observed
  • Compare and contrast the strong and weak points of the security system.

Provide recommendations to the CEO of XYZ Depot on preventing those weaknesses from occurring in its security measures

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  1. When an organization wants to conform to a quality standard
  1. Its system has to provide evidence as maintained documented system
  2. It must implement processes that conforms to customers requirements
  3. It should establish all management processes in all the organizations knowledge
  4. None of the above
  5. All of the above
  1. What techniques provide a clear and global guide of the performing organizations management system?
  1. Project start-up meeting
  2. The conversation of the project processes into process maps
  3. Converting all the organizations processes into processes maps
  4. The project quality planning process
  5. Only the two of these are correct
  1. Each process has its unique sequence of steps
  1. That is activated by a formalized input
  2. That the project has to comply
  3. That is intended to provide the output
  4. That the input has to comply with
  5. That a particular internal process is requires
  1. The conversion of a process input into a successful process output is achieved through

A .Full stakeholder participation

B. A document process input

C. Value added activities during the process execution

D. Documenting the steps on the process map

E. None of these are correct

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